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Astrology Forecast September 2024

Written by Ruanna on .
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  Tarot In Action Newsletter  

Revelations #208
~ September 2024 ~


Healers and Psychics LogoMy New Business Venture -
The Healers and Psychic Directory

All my classes are running smoothly, as are my readings, hens parties, corporate events, Tarot gigs and presentations. Already wrote the Tarot Distinctions book, that took me 5 years to pull together, so what was next? Maybe if I was an artist I would be inclined to create my own Tarot deck and book set, but I am not that good with my drawings, as yet anyway!!

So, What was Next?

For the past year my colleague Andre and I have been working on and building the Healers and Psychics Directory. This sat really well with me. I am good at marketing, that I do know. I am also good at networking and bringing people together. And the best thing about this Healers and Psychic Directory is my way of giving back or supporting everyone I know with their businesses. 

We just launched it this week and I now invite you to join in and "Add Your Listing." There is the Basic Plan for only $8 for the whole year. Had to charge something, there were so many Apps to purchase to make this Directory work, also to feel ownership of your listing. You can use it as a webpage for yourself. It will help you to become really clear and concise about your business and what you do.

We are open to receiving feedback and ideas. So far in the next few weeks we will have:
~ a feature on someone each month
~ a News Blog to share pictures and fun tit bits of information
~ all the articles on the home page will eventually be replaced with articles written by people listed in the Directory. How cool is that!

The best thing about the Healers and Psychics Directory is:
~ you can tag as many keywords as you like
~ you won't be limited to just one area or suburb
~ It is also for all our international friends out there.

My aim is for it to be the best Directory on the planet! The more you list yourself on these directories, the more Google moves you up in the search pages!

Heaps of Specialness,



1. Astrological Forecast for the Month

September Forecast

Virgo 2We are in Virgo season. Virgo season runs from August 23 to September 22.

Virgo is very earthy and grounded energy. It's a time known for being practical and paying attention to detail and precision, the focus is on organization and improvement.

Pluto's Last Hurrah in Capricorn

Pluto in CapOn 2 September, Pluto will be in Capricorn for the last time.  I remember when Pluto moved into Capricorn way back in 2008. It was significant because we knew that Pluto will bring to the surface all those scandulous things and tabu subjects that we don't like to discuss, issues with power, big corporations, banks, money, etc.

Today, Pluto moves back into 29 degrees of Capricorn to do one final sweep over these issues to finalise things once and for all. On the worldwide stage, look at the shifting of power dynamics that is occurring, the pressure is rising. On a personal level, how can we make a connection with our own inner strength and power within?

When Pluto reaches the final 29 degrees, the anaretic degree becomes active. There's pressure on all those concerns related to Capricorn, topics such as power and achievement, hierarchy, and organisational structures and processes. They are all under pressure to adapt, to be honest, and to deal with the facts in a responsible manner.


Uransus Begins Retrograde

Uranus RetrogradeOn 2 September, Uranus will turn retrograde in Taurus until 30 January 2025. Uranus first entered Taurus in 2018 and in 2025 it will move into Gemini. Uranus spends 7 years in each zodiac sign.

For the time being, though, while Uranus retrogrades back through Taurus, we have the opportunity to review on how we have increased our self-assurance and adaptability to change. Do we possess the kind of confidence that says, "I can handle whatever life throws at me." Have we changed enough and are we really that confident?

This is the lesson of Uranus in Taurus, to be alert and focused in the present and assured within ourselves that we can handle the situation. And so with Uranus retrograding, what needs to be adjusted, are we flexible enough and spontaneous, open to adventure and expanding my horizons whilst being secure within.

Taurus on the other hand is concerned with security, perhaps focussing on the material, for example money. Uranus in Taurus is more about inner security rather than how much can I physically accrue. During the retrograde between September and January, be certain and confident that you have the security you need within you and that you are capable of creating the things you need in order to sustain yourself or whatever life brings to you.

New Moon in Virgo

New Moon in Virgo 3On 3 September, we have New Moon in Virgo. Virgo wants us to organise our lives, so now is a great time to do just that. It desires order, cleanliness, and the creation of a tidy living environment. Excellent time to organise your home, modify your diet and shift your perspective.

Also during this time, we have Sun and Moon opposite Saturn in Pisces, square Jupiter in Gemini. Jupiter in Gemini speaks to the understanding that your words, your thoughts and ideas, and overall belief system shape your very existence. In other words, life will reflect back to you what you believe.

Take some time during this Virgo New Moon to review and revise your thoughts; you might need to make some important edits. In the same way that you edit your home as you declutter it. Apply the same principles to your diet and health regimes and to your way of thinking. If you take advantage of this Virgo New Moon, you could achieve a lot.


Mars Activation Through Cancer

Mars in Cancer 3On 4 September, Mars transits Cancer 0 - 14 degrees through the month of September. Then October through to May 2025 from 17 degrees Cancer through to 6 degrees of Leo.

It is a significant long time for Mars to activate the sign of Cancer, also its prolonged because Mars will go retrograde during this time. This is a period of intense emotional energy for us to experience and understand.

Traditional astrology may say that Mars in Cancer is a hard placement, but I dont think so, let's break it down.

Mars is the planet of action and Cancer is all about being compassionate, the caretaker and caregiver. Put these two energies together and its a fabulous time to nurture yourself, to give and receive nourishment. Recognise that the theme of this energy is awareness of your own nourishment. It's critical to be in the flow, to love oneself, and to take care of others as well.

Ultimately, and this is crucial to realise, you possess sufficient courage, energy, motivation, assertiveness, and strength to go after your goals. Otherwise, Mars in Cancer may show up as feeling extra moody and really cranky.


Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

Full Moon in Pisces 7On 16 September, we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Pisces. During this time the Sun will be in Virgo and the Moon sits opposite in Pisces conjunct with Neptune.

Neptune, Moon and Pisces offers us a a time of strong spiritual flavours. This is a complex Full Moon as there is a Trine between Pluto, Uranus and Moon as well. By now, Mercury is in Virgo and Mars is also in Cancer.

Overall, this combination of planets, during this particular eclipse, conveys a sense of learning to flow with harmony because its talking about living your spirituality every day, in the present day, moment by moment, or bringing your spiritual body and practical body into alignment.

Recognise that you can live in spiritual awareness throughout your life, in every moment of every day, that you don't need to close your eyes to meditate.


Libra Equinox

EquinoxOn 22 September, we have the equinox. In the northern hemisphere its the Autumn equinox and in the southern hemisphere we have the Spring equinox.

I love how Libra is all about balance and harmony, how perfect that we are looking at equal day and equal night.

Understand the power during this time, its an Aries Point 0 degrees of a cardinal sign. The four cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. The Aries Point indicates a desire for something to move forward and become visibile for the public to see. Be mindful to be gracious as Libra or Venus would be.

What a wonderful powerful month and year ahead,
happy breakthroughs!


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Calendar of Events for this Month!

UN Charter


United Nations International Year of:
The Camelids for 2024

United Nations Decade of:
Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021 to 2030

United Nations Charter
Established 26 June 1945




** Second Hand September, is a campaign to encourage people to buy only second hand items for 30 days in the month of September.

1  First Day of Spring!
1  National Wattle Day. Wear a sprig of wattle of Australia's colours of green and gold. Greet each with a "Happy Wattle Day."
1  National Walk to Work Day. Go on do it!
1  Father's Day. Many Australians observe Father's Day on the first Sunday of September. It is a day for people to show their appreciation for fathers and father figures.
1 - 30  RSPCA Cupcake Day. Gather your favourite crew, and bake to fight animal cruelty. Your Cupcake Day can be held any time in September, so pick a day that suits you!
3  New Moon in Virgo -
Good day to do cleaning, organising, gardening and cooking.
3  Australian National Flag Day.
The Australian flag is unique - it was the first flag in the world to be chosen in an open competition, and it is the only flag to fly over an entire continent. It will celebrate its 122nd "birthday" in 2023.
5  International Day of Charity. Concerned with the poverty problem, the UN called for countries to recognize and contribute towards efforts of charitable organisations and individuals.
7  National threatened Species Day, encourages the community to help conserve Australia's unique native plants and animals, and raises awareness of extinction prevention.
8  Star Trek Day. Anniversary of 1st episode in 1966.
8  National Bilby Day, is the second Sunday of September, which campaigns for the preservation of one of Australia's most lovable, but threatened, native animals.
9 - 22  Fairtrade Fortnight, is gearing up to be an inspiring celebration of all things fair! From exciting producer tours that bring us closer to the origins of our favourite products, to informative webinars like the Chocolate Score Card, there's so much to learn and engage with.
11  Bushcares Major Day Out.
Celebrating a day to restore and maintain Australia's remaining bushland. Over 250 events held across Australia.
12  RUOK Day. RUOK is a suicide prevention charity in Australia, reminding people that having meaningful conversations need to happen every day.
12  World Dolphin Day.
16  International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. This event commemorates the date of signing of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in 1987.
16-22  National Organic Week. (NOW) is a week of targeted media and locally-held activities designed to increase awareness of the benefits of organic products and farming production systems and accelerate the uptake of these in the wider Australian community and environment.
17  Interantional Microorganism Day. From health to the environment, microbes have a role and our mission is to highlight and celebrate that on International Microorganism Day every year.
17  Full Moon in Pisces. Good time to dream, contemplate and meditate.
18  World Water Monitering Day.
20  World Clean Up Day.
21  International Red Panda Day.
21  UN World Peace Day. Each year his day is observed around the world. For 2023, we celebrated the 75th year!
21  Zero Emisissions Day.
21  Equinox. equal day and night in both northern and southern hemispheres. Ostara, Pagan, Wicca. As day and night stand equal, its important to celebrate everything that is great about being alive.
21  Blue Ribbon Day. The Victorian Police Blue Ribbon Foundation perpetuates the memory of members of the Victorian Police killed in the line of duty.
22  World Car Free Day, when people from around the globe get together in the streets to remind us all that we don't have to accept a car-dominated society.
22  World Rhino Day. Celebrates all five species of rhino: Black, white, greater one-horned, Sumatran and Javan rhinos.
24  World Gorilla Day.
26  World Cassawary Day.

26  World Maritime Day, aimed at ensuing that international shipping keeps up to date with technical and technological advances in safety, that it addresses the ever increasing number of environmental challenges and concerns.
25  World Rivers Day.
26  World Environmental Health Day.
27  AFL Grand Final Day Public Holiday (Vic).
28  World Rabies Day.
29  International Day of Awareness on Food Loss and Waste Reduction.
29  World Rivers Day.
30  World Maritime Day.




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2. Tarot Cards Insight into the Energy of the Month...

Every month, I turn over 2 cards, one from the top of the deck to represent the Conscious energy and the other from the bottom of the deck to represent the Unconscious energy. I am always thinking of the big picture and exploring for the collective.

These two Tarot cards are loaded on my Tarot Mastery private Facebook group for students of Tarot in Action to explore the meanings and share their insights.

~ I asked the Tarot cards what is the energy for the whole month of September 2024?
~ What do we need to be mindful of, so we can make the most out of it?

The King of Wands is in the Conscious position, and King of Pentacles is in the Unconscious position.

D King of WandsD King of PentaclesSummary...
Consciously or on the surface, we have the King of Wands who is actively pursuing his projects with much gusto and loves being invoved in everything he does.

Whereas the King of Pentacles in the unconscious position has worked hard to create a stable base where things are secure so they can keep growing.

Interesting that two kings have showed up for this month. Both suggest very successful energies, but you have to work hard or smarter to create a strong base, also have to keep putting energy into it for it to keep growing. Go with the flow or keep up with the latest for you to win!

King of Wands
This king loves to work, he would have many projects, hobbies and businesses, running at the same time and loves to toggle between them all.

Maybe as a king, he is now so successful and mature, he may not be so actively involved, he is smarter therefore doesn't have to work so hard any more. The wand is resting in his hand indicating he is using the energy more calmly in his life.

You can also see the Ouroborus on his cape and on the backdrop, a serpent or lizard biting his own tail, a symbol of renewal and regeneration. Meaning this king is an entrepreneur and he is very enterprising, if something doesn't work he knows how to tweak it to make it work, or he hires someone in who does!

His crown looks like a simmer flame, suggesting he is more slow burning and mature, not so much a hot head anymore. There are lions on the back drop and he wears the colour orange which connects to strength and courage. The colour green means growth potential and very fertile. This king is also very sexually active.

King of Pentacles
This king sits on a black throne on a grey balcony. Black is the colour of the unknown or unmanifested light, suggesting we don't really know how he has created his wealth and the colour grey is about wisdom and knowledge. The balcony means he is elevated and is in a position of power.

I like how there are many different coloured turrents in the background, it always reminds me that he has his fingers in many pies, and some are more successful than others. The grape vines mean he is very abundant and everything he touches grows.

Also notice how he has his eyes closed, not phased by whats going on around him. Yet he wears armor on his left foot and there are bulls heads on his throne. He is very capable of protecting himself and all his endeavours.

World Elephant Day 2 12 Aug      



3. Classes, Workshops, Programs & Products



Online Tarot Videos~ Discover the Keys in each Tarot card?
~ Acquire a new skill and earn an extra income?

~ 22 fully comprehensive Video classes.
~ Available for you to learn Tarot at your pace.
~ Learn from the comfort of your home.
~ Watch and re-watch at your leisure.
~ Watch this 1min Tarot Video Sampler
~ For more info please visit Tarot Online or Click Here purchase now!



Tarot Book

~ Totally made in Australia!
~ Over 460 pages and in full colour!
~ Fabulous Questions and Answers section!
~ Gold Keys highlights for each card.
~ Fabulous reference Manual.
~ Covering Astrology, Numerology, Psychology & Mythology.
~ Exploring Colours the Four Elements, plus more!
~ Easily explained and suggested homework to do.
~ Visit my Tarot Book Page for a running history.  
~ Visit my Online Shop to order your copy today!



     Monday evening, Date TBA 2024, 7pm - 9pm  (Zoom Class)  
Wednesday morning, Date TBA 2024, 10am - 12noon  (Zoom Class)
     Thursday afternoon, Date TBA 2024, 1pm - 3pm
  (In Shop Class)

     For more detailed information visit my Tarot Classes Webpage.


     Wednesday evening, 4 September 2024, 7pm - 9pm

     For more information visit my Tarot Advanced Classes Webpage.


     Reiki I - Sunday 29 September 2024, 10am - 3pm
     Reiki II - Sunday Date TBA 2024, 10am - 3pm
     Reiki Master - Sunday Date TBA 2024, 10am - 3pm

     Only 5 hour sessions for all Reiki I, Reiki II and Reiki Master classes.
For more detailed information visit my Reiki Classes Webpage.


    Monday afternoon, Date TBA 2024, 1pm - 3pm
Thursday morning, Date TBA 2024, 10am - 12noon
Thursday evening, 12 September 2024, 7pm - 9pm

     For more detailed information visit my Astrology Classes Webpage.


     Saturday, Saturday 7 September 2024, 10am - 3pm

     For more information visit my Numerology Classes Webpage.


Saturday afternoon, Dates TBA 2024, 1pm - 3pm

     For more information visit my Tarot Further Studies Webpage.


     Wednesday evening, Date TBA 2025, 7pm - 9pm

     For more detailed information visit my SSS Classes Webpage.


     This is more a one-to one session, contact me to discuss further.

     For more information visit my Tarot Shadow Counseling Webpage.


 Orangutan Day 1


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4. Festivals, Expo's, Fundraisers & Special Events



doterra curious 2I always carry a fine selection of essential oils in my shop for sale to those that need them. Also happy to a run a doTerra workshop for you and your friends.

Workshops are a great opportunity to get together, to experience and learn something new about doTerra. How to use essential oils in your everyday life, ask questions and share this new alternative knowledge with others.

Venue: Tarot in Action shop, 165 Pascoe Vale Rd, Moonee Ponds
Date:    Tuesday evening, Date TBA 2024
Time:    7:00pm - 9:00pm
Facebook Group: My Essential Oils




Tarot Masterclass March 2022In March and August every year I am honoured to present Tarot, Advanced Tarot, Numerology and Astrology Masterclasses to Singapore.

They are full-on interactive masterclasses, run over a few days. All your notes and handouts are printed out for you, presented in a folder along with your Tarot cards and highlighters.

Thank you to the Way Feng Shui Group for having the insight to bring the East and West metaphysical worlds together and allowing me to be part of this fun!

Tarot Beginners Masterclass - Sat 31 Aug & Sun 1 Sept 2024
Numerology Masterclass - Sat 7 Sept 2024
Advanced Tarot Masterclass - Sat 14 & Sun 15 Sept 2024
Astrology Masterclass - Sat 5, Sun 6, Sat 12 & Sun 13 Sept 2024

To get on the Way OnNet Group mailing list for all future Masterclasses:

Please contact Priscilla: +65 6338 3800 or Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: Way OnNet Feng Shui Singapore




Mind Body Spirit FestivalAustralia’s largest health, well-being and natural therapies event. Register online to receive your free ticket.

Learn and explore from over 200 exhibitors, attend free inspirational seminars, book yourself a psychic reading, try some body pampering, watch the free stage performances, join a free meditation session and taste some delicious health foods!

Venue: Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre
Date 4 days: Dates TBA June 2025
Time: 10am - 7pm daily

Venue: Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre
Date 3 days: 15 - 17 November 2024
Time: 10am - 7pm daily

More information: Mind Body Spirit Festival




Group croppedThe date was set for the 2023 Annual LunaBears picnic. Thank you to Mastersons Bar for holding a fabulous space for our picnic. A much heartfelt thank you to all that attended and thank you to everyone that contributed, it means a lot to our furry friends!

               We raised $690 in October 2023

For 2024 LunaBears Picnic we are changing things up a bit, our picnic will be at Mastersons Bar again but on the Saturday afternoon, as the Bar is not open on Sundays.

The funds raised go directly to the Bear Sanctuary in Luang Prabang, Laos, through the Free The Bears org with the resolve to end Bear bile farming forever!

Venue: Mastersons Bar, 167 Pascoe Vale Rd, Moonee Ponds       
Date: Saturday 26 October 2024
Time: 3pm - 5pm. (Group photo taken at 4pm)

Donation: $30 per person (or donate as much as you wish!)
What to bring: Bring a plate to share
Information: Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Facebook Group: LunaBears Lads and Ladys



GENI Foundation LogoThis not-for-profit volunteer environmental organisation has been going for 30 years! It's the biggest world game I know to play and I would love your support!

The GENI initiative is about every continent linking up on an energy grid using renewable energy sources and sharing this sustainable energy with our neighbours across all time zones. 

"When the world is linked up on a physical electrical grid,
it is proof that we are metaphysically connected." - Bucky Fuller

  • Patreon LogoJoin us in making a difference to humanity with no harm to the environment!
  • Become a Patron and Pledge as little as $3 per month and lets put Solar Panels on Pensioners roofs!
  • Support our Annual Fundraiser - Comedy Gala at The Rubber Chicken on Thursday 1 June. 7pm. Book through our website www.genifoundation.org.au for special price $22 tickets.
Information: Ruanna 0418 388 712
Email on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please like our Facebook Page: GENI Foundation




Andre Self Defence HubLearn practical skills and basic self defence techniques in a fun and supportive environment.
Taekwondo is for Everyone!
Our workshops provide participants with the basic skills that you will practice in a class environment. We will also teach you about our training systems and transitioning you from beginner to an empowered black belt.
  • All courses are female only
  • Participants can complete the 4 week beginners course
  • Join regular on-going classes
  • We offer short courses
  • Group workshops - Personal and Corporate classes
  • Private lessons
Visit Facebook Page for all classes and info: Self-Defence Hub


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