Friends of Tarot In Action
"The animals of the world exist for their own reasons.
They were not made for humans any more than
black people were made for white,
or women created for men."
-Alice Walker
I see myself as a philanthropist, I give a lot of my time and/or money to environmental organisations and to many animal charities, for animals do not have a voice, and so that it will be a better place for all of us. I am passionate about the environment and our animals, I currently am a member of or pledge to the following organisations:
- Amma
- Animals Australia
- Animals Asia
- Australia Zoo - Wildlife Warrior
- Ban Live Exports
- Brahma Kumaris Meditation Australia
- Choose Cruelty Free
- Environment Victoria
- FINCA - Micro Businesses for Women in Developing Worlds
- Free The Bears - currently have over 30 people sponsoring the Tat Kuang Xi Waterfalls Bear Sancutary, Luang Prabang in Laos,
- Friends of the Zoo
- GENI Foundation - celebratring 30 years in 2016! I am one of the Trustee of the GENI Foundation.
- Greenpeace
- Humane Society
- International IFAW - International Fund for Animal Welfare
- PETA - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
- Save Babe
- The Hunger Site
- Vipassana Mediation Victoria
- VSBN - Victorian Small Business Network
- Wildlife Victoria
- WSPA - World Society of Protection of Animals
- WWF - Worldwide Fund
"When you have exhausted all possibilities,
remember this: You haven't."
-Thomas Edison
The websites below belong to friends or business partners which I am involved with and highly recommend:
- Andre Conate - Abante, Website design and support
- Astro Synthesis
- Australian Bridal Service
- Australian Reiki Connection Inc
- Barry Johnson - Australian College Sports Development - Completed my Certificate Four and Diploma of Sports in Coaching and Development
- Buckminster Fuller Institute
- Charles Kovess - Australiasia Passionate Provocateur
- Dan Flint - Dan's Martial Arts
- Easy Weddings
- Elio Rulli - Studio House Photography
- Elizabeth Jewel - Living Now Magazine
- Grand Master Tan - Way Fengshui Group, Singapore
- Healers & Psychics Directory
- Federation of Australian Astrologers Inc
- International Feng Shui Association
- International Psychics Association - Australian Psychic of the Year
- James Wanless - Voyager Tarot
- Jerry Speiser - Your Future By Design
- Krishna Das - Satsang
- Kristeena Saville - Artist
- Mary King - Wealth 4 Women
- Michael Kessler - History of the Future
- Mind Body Spirit Festival
- Rids Van Der Zee J.P.
- Self Defence Hub
- Sigrid de Castella - Half the Woman I Was
- Sue Caldwell - Feng Shui Conscious Environment
- Tracey Roberts - Performer and Artist
- Tarot Guild of Australia
- Tarot Journey - Spiritual Adventure Tours
- Tibet Buddhist Society - Rose Festivals Venerable Lobsang Tender - Medicine Buddha Centre
- Thrive I & II movies
- William Whitecloud - Natural Success - Create Your Own Destiny