Revelations #191 ~ April 2023 ~
Easter is upon us once more, a time to reflect on life, death and rebirth. Happy Easter to you and your family, have a lovely break and enjoy all that yumo chocolate!
A Witchy Tip: Place a bowl of candied eggs on your counter top or table, to bless a new beginning with sweetness and happiness.
We also honour our ANZACs in April, and our daylight savings ends, making it time to gather and stock up our cupboards so we can turn inwards for our colder months ahead.
I believe the issues with delivering my monthly newsletter Revelations have been resolved. Please let me know if you still are not receiving it on the first of each month, and thank you to those that notified be about this problem. Also note that my Revelations newsletter will always be listed on my website under the Blog heading. You will see all my newsletters listed there.
Heaps of Specialness, Ruanna
The Sun is currently traveling though Aries, triggering all that fiery dynamic physical energy, it really gives us that extra boost of action energy we need to get things done.
There are many transits this month, completing some cycles and reactivating new ones.
Happy birthday to all the Aries out there. Keep in mind that you can be powerful and dynamic, as well as being gentle and loving at the same time.
On the 25 March through to 20 May. The planet Mars is transiting Cancer. Mars, an action planet, will transit through the Cancer zodiac sign, this literally triggers the digestive system.
Mars in Cancer activates our need for protection as well as our sentiments, feelings and emotions. During this time, care-giving and care-taking is where the energy wants to go.
Spend some quality time getting to know yourself during this Mars in Cancer transit. Ask yourself: Where do my limits lie? Are my boundaries appropriate? What should I integrate? Do I care for myself in the same manner that I care for others? Be mindful to use this powerful caring energy in an active positive way.
On 6 April, we have a Full Moon in Libra. Take note that every time there is a Full Moon, the Sun will be in the opposite sign.
This opposition of Aries and Libra is the most intense of all. This is so because Aries is the first fire house, it is a cardinal sign and action-oriented energy that is focused outwardly, it can be aggressive, but also assertive and innovative.
Libra on the other hand, is so cooperative, loves to be social and diplomatic, it needs harmony and smoothness, after all, Venus rules over it.
On top of this Full Moon, we also can experience a lot of healing because the Sun is also conjunct Jupiter with Chiron in Aries. Some questions you can ask yourself are: Is there a part of you that hesitates to express your wants? What is it that prevents you from feeling dynamic and powerful?
This Full Moon in Libra is asking us to examine ourselves and combine our peaceful and endearing sides with our powerful and tenacious sides. To channel and balance these two aspects of ourselves, to do it all with kindness, no need for aggression.
On 11 April, we have Venus entering Gemini. Venus in Gemini enables us to take in and process the lessons we needed to take away from the most recent Mars in Gemini transit. Mars went retrograde in Gemini, staying there for an extended period of time, it has now completed its course.
Now its time for Venus to settle things down and smooth things out. To comprehend and draw lessons from what Mars' final five months in Gemini were all about. Your thoughts may have been sparked, your ideas may have altered or are they still being examined. We need to understand how our words, our voices, and our belief systems affects us and how it shapes our reality.
On 20 April, we have a New Moon Eclipse in Aries. It will be at 29 degrees of Aries making it an anaretic point, meaning it is a peak experience because the last degrees are always most potent, therefore this New Moon Eclipse in Aries can be extra hot and steamy.
Once again Aries brings in the polarity of Libra. The combination of harmony with a very dynamic energy.
By being prepared for this New Moon is vital because we need to awaken our inner pioneer energy right now. It's crucial to smooth the edges and do it with kindness and beauty in order to bring out the warrior, the courage, and the active principle within us that helps us get what we need in life.
On 21 April through to 14 May, we have Mercury in Taurus going Retrograde. Mercury retrograde is a unique period for us to go inward, analyse, assimilate, and re-examine information. We should ask ourselves: Do we need to rearrange our thoughts?
I personally like to look at my Mercury Retrograde periods as a particular opportunity to be more productive. File things away, start preparing taxes, work on your family tree, its a perfect time to do those projects that needs extra attention.
This period of time is especially conducive to active learning. It's a time to process the lessons you've learned and ground them, especially with any planets in Taurus as its an earthy, stable energy. This Mercury in Taurus Retrograde is an incredibly strong productive time.
What a wonderful powerful month, happy breakthroughs!
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Calendar of Events for this Month!
United Nations International Year of: The Millet for 2023.
United Nations Decade of: Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021 to 2030.
1 April Fool's Day 2 World Autism Awareness Day. Light it up blue! Every year cities around the world light up their prominent buildings with blue on this special night. 2 Daylight Savings Ends in Australia. 6 Full Moon in Libra. A balanced and socialable mood. 7 World Health Day. World Health Organization encourages everyone around the world to shine light on Food Safety. 7 Good Friday 8 Easter Saturday 8 World Health Day 9 Easter Sunday 10 Easter Monday 11 - 19 Farewell Shorebirds. The shorebirds are ready for their journey, highlighting the captivating story of the shorebirds’ annual global migration. 18 - 2 May National Trust Australian Festival, is an opportunity for all Australians to join together to celebrate our shared and special heritage. 18 World Heritage Day is the shared wealth of humankind. Protecting and preserving this valuable asset demands the collective efforts of the international community. 18 International Day of Monuments and Sites, including those more complex and diversified forms of heritage places such as living landscapes, are tangible carriers of the memory of a part of the human experience. 20 New Moon in Aries. A fired up and energised mood. 22 "Earth Day" has a program of activities that seeks to build and diversify the environmental movement worldwide and to mobilize it as the most effective way to promote a health, sustainable planet. This is done through education, politics, events and consumer activism, such as turning off all lights. 24 World Parks Day 24 World Frogs Day 25 ANZAC Day, we honor and give our respects to our veterans from the WW1 and all other wars. 25 World Penguin Day 25 Save the Frogs Day 25 World Malaria Day 26 Marks the anniversary of the world's worst civil nuclear disaster, in Chernobyl in the USSR, in 1986. Design flaws led to a power surge, causing massive explosions that blew the top off a reactor. More than 10,000 people died as a result of the accident, 3.5 million people have become ill and the rate of thyroid cancer in affected areas increased 10 times. The contamination spread across Belarus and into western Europe. 30 World Veterinary Day.
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Every month I turn over 2 cards, one from the top of the deck to represent the Conscious energy and the other from the bottom of the deck to represent the Unconscious energy. I am always thinking of the big picture and exploring for the collective. I asked the Tarot, what is the energy for the month of April 2023? What do we need to be mindful of for this entire month? I turned over the Queen of Swords in the Conscious position and Judgement in the Unconscious position. This month we have a court card, the Queen of Swords and a major arcana, Judgement.
I like these two cards together, they give me a feeling of clarity and an inner knowing that its the right thing to do. Brings in that higher purpose and doing what's right for everyone.
Wow, I have had a couple of experiences lately, one is dealing with Real Estates and the other is dealing with the Council.
On both counts, I have had to pen my voice (Queen of Swords) and list all the objections, also offer them some suggestions (Judgement) so that they learn from it and change their practices for the better.
It is not all about me and my needs, it is about everyone winning here. We are all connected, we all learn from each other. This is the main thrust of the Judgement tarot card.
One of my favourite Guru's, Maharaj-ji, was asked, "How to find God?" and he said, "To serve people." What does that mean? His main teaching to us was to not think about yourself – think about others!
This month of April will offer us the opportunity to get clear and make decisive decisions about things that may of been lagging around. You may also need some guidance by someone, Queen of Swords, that knows the rules, so you can make a better choice.
Judgement reminds us to take it the Superconscious levels. We are all born geniuses, we all know what is the right thing for all of us to do, so it is a Win-Win for all!
Looking forward to all this clarity, or maybe cutting things away, being done with it once and for all and gaining fabulous higher learnings for the month of April!
3. Classes, Workshops, Programs & Products
~ Discover the Keys in each Tarot card? ~ Acquire a new skill and earn an extra income? ~ 22 fully comprehensive Video classes. ~ Available for you to learn Tarot at your pace. ~ Learn from the comfort of your home. ~ Watch and re-watch at your leisure. ~ Watch this 1min Tarot Video Sampler ~ For more info please visit my Tarot Online page or Click Here to purchase now!
~ Totally made in Australia! ~ Over 460 pages and in full colour! ~ Fabulous Questions and Answers section! ~ Gold Keys highlights for each card. ~ Fabulous reference Manual. ~ Covering Astrology, Numerology, Psychology & Mythology. ~ Exploring Colours the Four Elements, plus more! ~ Easily explained and suggested homework to do. ~ Visit my Tarot Book Page for a running history. ~ Visit my Online Shop to order your copy today!
Monday evening, 17 April 2023, 7pm - 9pm Wednesday morning, 31 May 2023, 10am - 12noon Thursday afternoon, Date TBA 2023, 1pm - 3pm
For more detailed information visit my Tarot Classes Webpage.
Wednesday evening, 13 September 2023, 7pm - 9pm
For more information visit my Tarot Advanced Classes Webpage.
Reiki I - Sunday 2 April 2023, 10am - 3pm Reiki II - Sunday Date TBA 2023, 10am - 3pm Reiki Master - Sunday Date TBA 2023, 10am - 3pm
Only 5 hour sessions for all Reiki I, Reiki II and Reiki Master classes. For more detailed information visit my Reiki Classes Webpage.
Monday afternoon, Date TBA 2023, 1pm - 3pm Thursday morning, Date TBA 2023, 10am - 12noon Thursday evening, Date TBA 2023, 7pm - 9pm
For more detailed information visit my Astrology Classes Webpage.
Saturday, 6 May 2023, 10am - 3pm
For more information visit my Numerology Classes Webpage. TAROT PRACTICE READING DAY
Saturday afternoon, Dates TBA 2023, 1pm - 3pm For more information visit my Tarot Further Studies Webpage.
Wednesday evening, 7 June 2023, 7pm - 9pm
For more detailed information visit my SSS Classes Webpage.
This is more a one-to one session, contact me to discuss further.
For more information visit my Tarot Shadow Counseling Webpage.
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Always love to run doTerra workshops at my shop in Moonee Ponds.
A fun and great opportunity to get together with friends and meet new friends. Experience and learn something new about doTerra, learn how to use essential oils in your everyday, ask questions and share this new knowledge with others.
Venue: Tarot in Action shop, 165 Pascoe Vale Rd, Moonee Ponds Date: Tuesday evening, Date TBA 2023 Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm Facebook Group: My Essential Oils
In March and August every year I am honoured to present Tarot, Advanced Tarot, Numerology and Astrology Masterclasses to Singapore. Are you ready to turn your life around?
It is a full on interactive masterclasses are run over a few days. All your notes and handouts are printed out for you, presented in a folder along with your Tarot cards, highlighters and pens.
Thank you to the Way OnNet Feng Shui Group for having the insight to bring the East and West metaphysical worlds together.
Tarot Beginners Masterclass - Dates TBA 2024 Numerology Masterclass - Dates TBA 2024 Both these classes are via Zoom
Tarot Beginners Masterclass - August Dates TBA 2023 Numerology Masterclass - August Dates TBA 2023 Advanced Tarot Masterclass - August Dates TBA 2023
Astrology Masterclass 1 & 2 - September Dates TBA 2023 Astrology Masterclass 3 & 4 - September dates TBA 2023
To get on the Way OnNet Group mailing list for all future Masterclasses: Please contact Priscilla: +65 6338 3800 or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Website: Way OnNet Feng Shui Singapore
Australia’s largest health, well-being and natural therapies event. Learn and explore from over 200 exhibitors, attend free inspirational seminars, book yourself a psychic reading, try some body pampering, watch the free stage performances, join a free meditation session and taste some delicious health foods!
Venue: Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre Date: Friday 9 - Monday 12 June 2023 Time: 10am - 7pm daily
Venue: Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre Date: Date TBA 2023 Time: 10am - 7pm daily
More information: Mind Body Spirit Festival
Thank you to everyone that kindly donated to our LunaBears for 2022!
We did something different this year, we met at a bar, Mastersons Bar. We all brought a plate to share and it was lovely catching up with everyone. Those that couldn't make it, kindly donated.
We raised $540 in October 2022
The funds raised goes directly to the Bear Sanctuary in Luang Prabang, Laos, through the Free The Bears organisation with the resolve to end Bear bile farming forever!
Venue: Mastersons Bar, 167 Pascoe Vale Rd, Moonee Ponds Date: Sunday 29 October 2023 Time: 12pm - 3pm. (Group photo taken at 1pm!)
Donation: $30 per person (or donate as much as you wish!) What to bring: Bring a plate to share Information: Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Facebook Group: LunaBears Lads and Ladys
This not-for-profit volunteer environmental organisation has been going for 30 years! It's the biggest world game I know to play and I would love your support! The GENI initiative is about every continent linking up on an energy grid using renewable energy sources and sharing this sustainable energy with our neighbours across all time zones.
"When the world is linked up on a physical electrical grid, it is proof that we are metaphysically connected." - Bucky Fuller
- Join us in making a difference to humanity with no harm to the environment!
- Become a Patron and Pledge as little as $3 per month and lets put Solar Panels on Pensioners roofs!
Information: Ruanna 0418 388 712 Email on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Please like our Facebook Page: GENI Foundation
Learn practical skills and basic self defence techniques in a fun and supportive environment.
Taekwondo is for Everyone!
Our workshops provide participants with the basic skills that you will practice in a class environment. We will also teach you about our training systems and transitioning you from beginner to an empowered black belt.
- All courses are female only
- Participants can complete the 4 week beginners course
- Join regular on-going classes
- We offer short courses
- Group workshops - Personal and Corporate classes
- Private lessons
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