Revelations #201 ~ February 2024 ~
Happy Chinese Lunar New Year of the Green Wood Dragon for 2024!
The beginning of the Lunar New Year indicates now is the time to get back to work. Also, all the planets have gone in direct motion indicating this push and rush forward! See Astrology forecast below...
2024 Chinese Zodiac by Way Feng Shui Group.
This year calls for you to be resourceful and adaptable. Just like in a game of mahjong, stay calm and be observant in order to identify opportunities and play your cards right. Be patient and flexible to deal with different situations. Remember, success requires wits and courage. Ta achieve victory, you must set clear goals and work towards them steadily.
Those born in the year of the Horse, Monkey, Dragon and Dog will experience less-than-ideal luck and feel vexed due to problems brough about by schemers. You may encounter difficulties or suffer financial losses. This year, be better prepared by learning new skills or building your network. Also, stay alert and form alliances with reliable partners so that you can work together to overcome challenges.
Those born in the year of the Rat, Rooster, Tiger and Rabbit will enjoy relatively stable luck with plentiful opportunities and rewards. However, you may get exhausted due to your busy schedule. Pay more attention to your health and emotions. You can stay positive and build good interpersonal relationships by interacting with family and friends. Prioritise your time and energy on those that matter most. To achieve greater achievements, keep exploring your potential for growth and breakthroughs.
Those born in the year of the Pig, Ox, Snake and Goat enjoy great luck and prosperity this year. You shall excel in your career and life with timely support from benefactors. Keep working hard to improve your capabilities for greater competitiveness. Be discerning and avoid being too trusting to prevent being used by schemers. Continue to maintain good interpersonal relationships. A reliable social network will bring you more opportunities.
Heaps of Specialness, Ruanna
February Forecast
We are in Aquarius season and Pluto has entered Aquarius, which means there is a lot of tension surrounding this sign for this entire month.
This extremely potent energy will also continue for the entire year of 2024. During this period, we get to examine and assess how we view ourselves, how we present ourselves to the outside world, and whether or not we are truly leading our own authentic unique lifestyle.
Now is the season to consider our belief systems, our habits, and our style. Consider our perceptions of ourselves and the people around us for they may shape who we are. Does our thinking influence our style? Will we be accepted by others or do we conform to what others think we should be?
Now is the time to tell yourself that you are confident enough to embody your own distinct style in all areas—clothing, behaviour, beliefs, and so forth. Is there a risk involved with deviating from the norm, whatever the norm may be, or is it simply what the group has accepted?
This Pluto in Aquarius period allows us to reflect on our true selves. Regardless of what others may think of me or what they expect from me and since Aquarius is all about group dynamics, this is what is being asked of us to review and assess.
New Moon in Aquarius
On 9 February, we have a New Moon in Aquarius, Uranus will also be square the Moon and Sun conjunct in Aquarius. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, and in mythology Uranus is Thor, he holds the lightning bolt, we are looking at and working some high voltage energy.
Uranus frequency is electric. Uranus is associated with creativity and adventure, as well as change and unstable energy. The goal of Uranian energy is movement, freedom, emancipation, liberation and expansion—not stability or stagnation.
Now is the time to accept, cherish, and express your distinct sense of style. Recognise that this new moon is meant to shake things up for us rather than to stabilise things; instead, it is urging us to take action and accept the new adventure.
There will be a lot of electricity in the air, so if you are sensitive to this kind of energy, now is a good time to calm your nerves because you might feel more anxious, or you could feel that freedom energy and feel totally great!
First half of February we have sharp electric energy...
On 14 February, Mars conjuncts Pluto and the Moon in Taurus conjuncts Jupiter and Uranus. Very intense and powerful energy here because we have Mars, the God of War working together with Pluto, the God of the underworld.
On the personal level, you can accomplish a great deal if you make good use of this energy. You can engage the assertive and motivating energy of Mars to breakthrough, achieve a lot of work and make significant progress.
The positive energy of these two planets working together is to achieve this progress, the fortitude to face your worries and limitations and let go of them. By igniting your bravery and confidence, you can confront the areas of your life where you feel intimidated or afraid. We do this by bringing things to light, examining them, making amends, and finally getting rid of them.
On the collective level, this may be the time when many people are irate, aggressive, or in a combative frame of mind. Remain aware of this, control your own vibration, and establish a connection with your higher senses. Then you can just watch, sit back, observe others and not get caught up in all the jazz!
On 16 February, Mercury squares Uranus and Venus conjuncts Pluto. Mercury is the lower octave of Uranus, both are air elements. Once again Pluto brings up something for us to transform. This is enormous dynamic tension and activation energy.
You must examine yourself and determine where you are susceptible to assimilating into a group and adopting its viewpoint in order to gain acceptance. It is worthwhile to consider this. Do you have personal beliefs? Are you clear about what you believe?
Alternatively, it's possible that you live according to your beliefs and are crystal clear about what they are. If this is the case, congratulations. However, because of the pressure from social media and the media in general, it is quite easy to adopt a group mentality mindset. Try your best to be mindful of this, keep in touch with your own thoughts.
On 18 February, the Sun moves into Pisces at the same time the Moon is in Cancer. Now the energy softens for the rest of the month from the air element to the water element with the Pisces and Cancer zodiac signs.
This is a good time to rest and relax, we have a breather from all that intense mental and dynamic energy thats been going on. We now have time to look forward to the emotional release because the water element is more sensitive, caring, emotional and compassionate energy.
Keep an open mind while you take in the events occurring around you. It's time to be impartial and to practice effective communication techniques so that you can learn how to interact with others who might hold very different opinions from your own.
Full Moon in Virgo
On 25 February, we have a Full Moon in Virgo. I also love the Full Moon in Virgo energy, its beautiful because if its used in its highest forms, we operate from service and humility, we are more efficient, organised and detailed. So nice to be balanced and earthed even if its just for a time.
However, we also need to be mindful of the shadow side of the Virgo Moon, which might occasionally surface. Since Virgo energy frequently opens the way to connecting with the ideal version of ourselves or the world, we must be cautious when it shows up in the shadow side because Virgo energy can be vulnerable and very critical of oneself and of others.
Crises may arise when we become fixated on the ideal image of ourselves and we don't live up to it. The Virgo critical eye, which seeks out all the wrongs rather than the rights. Therefore, if you are sensitive to this, be mindful of it. Excessive worry is often characterised by an oversensitivity to life's imperfections. No one does it better than Virgo when its manifesting from the shadow side.
What a wonderful powerful month and year ahead, happy breakthroughs!
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Calendar of Events for this Month!
United Nations International Year of: The Millet for 2023.
United Nations Decade of: Ocean Science for Sustainable aDevelopment 2021 to 2030.
United Nations Charter Established 26 June 1945
** The National Sustainable Living Festival runs for the whole month of February, Australia wide!
1 Lammas Harvest Festival (Wicca). The great Harvest Festival is a time to reflect on the success of the year and reward yourself for jobs well done. 1 - 29 The National Sustainable Living Festival. The National Sustainable Living Festival is not just an event, it is a movement of change-makers. The festival is the largest and longest-running sustainability-themed event in Australia. The festival aims to inspire and provide solutions to the sustainability and climate challenges currently faced, both now and into the future. Celebrating 24 years in 2024. 2 Groundhog Day. 2 World Wetlands Day. The day when groups around the planet try to raise public awareness of the values and benefits of wetlands and promote their conservation and wise use. 7 National Day of Mourning for Victorian Fire Victims of 2009. 10 World Pulses Day. 10 New Moon in Aquarius. An inquisitive mood. 11 International Day of Women & Girls in Science. Over the past 27 years, the United Nations and its agencies have realized the gender-gap in science, now encouraging more girls and women to take up jobs in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. 11 World Day of the Sick. 13 Anniversary of the the Apology (2008). 14 St Valentines Day. 14 International Book Giving Day. 15 World Hippo Day. 16 The Anniversary of the coming into force of the Kyoto Protocol, and international agreement, setting targets for industrialized countries to cut their greenhouse gas emissions. A total of 141 countries have ratified the agreement aimed at slowing global warming. Australia's newly elected Prime Minister Kevin Rudd ratified the protocol in his first act as PM, on December 3, 2007. 17 Care Day. A Global Celebration of Children in Care Care Day, the world's biggest celebration of children and young people with care. 17 Random Acts of Kindness Day. National Random Acts of Kindness Day has grown in popularity each year. 25 Full Moon in Virgo. A day to work on the topics that need attention to detail. 20 Love Your Pets Day. 27 World Bear Day.
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Every month, I turn over 2 cards, one from the top of the deck to represent the Conscious energy and the other from the bottom of the deck to represent the Unconscious energy. I am always thinking of the big picture and exploring for the collective.
These two Tarot cards are loaded on my Tarot Mastery private Facebook group for students of Tarot in Action to explore the meanings and share their insights.
I asked the Tarot cards: What is the energy for this February 2024? What do we need to be mindful of for this entire month? I turned over Ace of Swords in the Conscious position, and The Hierophant in the Unconscious position. Love the Aces also the Major Arcana's for that matter. So this month will be a major month to work through overall.
Aces are triumphant energies and the swords rules the mind, the intellect, ideas and decisions. It's where we have the most conflicts.
Love how the Ace of Swords is pointing straight up. It also connects to the sword in Justice, therefore its highlighting the truth, clarity and discernment.
A major decision will need to be made this month. That makes sense to me as we are in the begin of the new year where everything changes and new decisions and new procedures need to be set up.
The Hierophant asks us to question everything. Is it really what you need to do? Or are you doing it to please others so to keep the peace?
The Hierophant reminds us to give ourselves the time to look inside and see what is right for ourselves. You know you will make the right decision because when you look at both sides, out there and within, it will be a balanced decision. You will look after yourself and others at the same time.
He also asks us to look at the spiritual side of life. Maybe this year it is the time to bring in more spirituality. Do more reading, practice yoga or join a meditation group. That is definitely going more within.
"if you don't go within, you go without!" - Ruanna
Take the time this February to listen to your inner-tuition more, listen within yourself for what is the right balanced decision to make, not only for yourself but for those around you too.
3. Classes, Workshops, Programs & Products
~ Discover the Keys in each Tarot card? ~ Acquire a new skill and earn an extra income? ~ 22 fully comprehensive Video classes. ~ Available for you to learn Tarot at your pace. ~ Learn from the comfort of your home. ~ Watch and re-watch at your leisure. ~ Watch this 1min Tarot Video Sampler ~ For more info please visit Tarot Online or Click Here purchase now!
~ Totally made in Australia! ~ Over 460 pages and in full colour! ~ Fabulous Questions and Answers section! ~ Gold Keys highlights for each card. ~ Fabulous reference Manual. ~ Covering Astrology, Numerology, Psychology & Mythology. ~ Exploring Colours the Four Elements, plus more! ~ Easily explained and suggested homework to do. ~ Visit my Tarot Book Page for a running history. ~ Visit my Online Shop to order your copy today!
Monday evening, 22 April 2024, 7pm - 9pm Wednesday morning, Date TBA 2024, 10am - 12noon Thursday afternoon, 21 March 2024, 1pm - 3pm
For more detailed information visit my Tarot Classes Webpage.
Wednesday evening, 4 September 2024, 7pm - 9pm
For more information visit my Tarot Advanced Classes Webpage.
Reiki I - Sunday 4 February 2024, 10am - 3pm Reiki II - Sunday Date TBA 2024, 10am - 3pm Reiki Master - Sunday Date TBA 2024, 10am - 3pm
Only 5 hour sessions for all Reiki I, Reiki II and Reiki Master classes. For more detailed information visit my Reiki Classes Webpage.
Monday afternoon, Date TBA 2024, 1pm - 3pm Thursday morning, Date TBA 2024, 10am - 12noon Thursday evening, 8 February 2024, 7pm - 9pm
For more detailed information visit my Astrology Classes Webpage.
Saturday, Saturday 17 February 2024, 10am - 3pm
For more information visit my Numerology Classes Webpage. TAROT PRACTICE READING DAY
Saturday afternoon, Dates TBA 2023, 1pm - 3pm For more information visit my Tarot Further Studies Webpage.
Wednesday evening, 5 June 2024, 7pm - 9pm
For more detailed information visit my SSS Classes Webpage.
This is more a one-to one session, contact me to discuss further.
For more information visit my Tarot Shadow Counseling Webpage.
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I always carry a fine selection of essential oils in my shop for sale to those that need them. Also happy to a run a doTerra workshop for you and your friends.
Workshops are a great opportunity to get together, to experience and learn something new about doTerra. How to use essential oils in your everyday life, ask questions and share this new alternative knowledge with others.
Venue: Tarot in Action shop, 165 Pascoe Vale Rd, Moonee Ponds Date: Tuesday evening, Date TBA 2023 Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm Facebook Group: My Essential Oils
In March and August every year I am honoured to present Tarot, Advanced Tarot, Numerology and Astrology Masterclasses to Singapore.
They are full-on interactive masterclasses, run over a few days. All your notes and handouts are printed out for you, presented in a folder along with your Tarot cards and highlighters.
Thank you to the Way Feng Shui Group for having the insight to bring the East and West metaphysical worlds together and allowing me to be part of this fun!
Tarot Beginners Masterclass - Dates TBA August 2024 Numerology Masterclass - Dates TBA August 2024 Advanced Tarot Masterclass - Dates TBA August 2024 Astrology Masterclass - Dates TBA August 2024
To get on the Way OnNet Group mailing list for all future Masterclasses: Please contact Priscilla: +65 6338 3800 or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Website: Way OnNet Feng Shui Singapore
Australia’s largest health, well-being and natural therapies event. Register online to receive your free ticket. Learn and explore from over 200 exhibitors, attend free inspirational seminars, book yourself a psychic reading, try some body pampering, watch the free stage performances, join a free meditation session and taste some delicious health foods!
Venue: Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre Date: 4 days - Date TBA June 2024 Time: 10am - 7pm daily
Venue: Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre Date: 3 days - Date TBA 2024 Time: 10am - 7pm daily
More information: Mind Body Spirit Festival
The date was set for the 2023 Annual LunaBears picnic. Thank you to Mastersons Bar for holding a fabulous space for our picnic. A much heartfelt thank you to all that attended and thank you to everyone that contributed.
We raised $690 in October 2023
The funds raised go directly to the Bear Sanctuary in Luang Prabang, Laos, through the Free The Bears org with the resolve to end Bear bile farming forever!
Venue: Mastersons Bar, 167 Pascoe Vale Rd, Moonee Ponds Date: Sunday 27 October 2024 Time: 12pm - 3pm. (Group photo taken at 1pm!)
Donation: $30 per person (or donate as much as you wish!) What to bring: Bring a plate to share Information: Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Facebook Group: LunaBears Lads and Ladys
This not-for-profit volunteer environmental organisation has been going for 30 years! It's the biggest world game I know to play and I would love your support! The GENI initiative is about every continent linking up on an energy grid using renewable energy sources and sharing this sustainable energy with our neighbours across all time zones.
"When the world is linked up on a physical electrical grid, it is proof that we are metaphysically connected." - Bucky Fuller
- Join us in making a difference to humanity with no harm to the environment!
- Become a Patron and Pledge as little as $3 per month and lets put Solar Panels on Pensioners roofs!
- Support our Annual Fundraiser - Comedy Gala at The Rubber Chicken on Thursday 1 June. 7pm. Book through our website for special price $22 tickets.
Information: Ruanna 0418 388 712 Email on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Please like our Facebook Page: GENI Foundation
Learn practical skills and basic self defence techniques in a fun and supportive environment.
Taekwondo is for Everyone!
Our workshops provide participants with the basic skills that you will practice in a class environment. We will also teach you about our training systems and transitioning you from beginner to an empowered black belt.
- All courses are female only
- Participants can complete the 4 week beginners course
- Join regular on-going classes
- We offer short courses
- Group workshops - Personal and Corporate classes
- Private lessons
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