Tarot in Singapore

Tarot in Singapore

Listed here is all the information you need to know to learn Tarot with me in Singapore.

I run Tarot, Advanced Tarot, Numerology and most recently Astrology Masterclasses.

Also, a running history and feedback from prior classes.


"The privilege of a lifetime
is to become who you truly are."

- Carl G. Jung

My History with Singapore

I have traveled to Singapore for many years. The first time I went back as an adult was in 1988, I remember this year because it was the Bi-Centenary year of Australia, there were celebrations all year long and for me going to Singapore, Malaysia and the island of Borneo was a trip of a lifetime I will always remember.

So grateful I was able to see Singapore during this time, because I was able to experience the old Singapore. Had a fabulous Junk Boat ride around the island of Sentosa. Dinner at Raffles and had a few Singapore Slings in the original Long Bar and saw the pool table, the rifle and the Tiger skin on the wall of where supposedly Rudyard Kippling shot the Tiger under the pool table!

Even today, I like to visit Lucky Plaza in Orchard Road to get the feel of the old Singapore!


All ClassClass of 2014. Everyone enjoyed the tarot reading practice part! Plenty of Tarot readings in this group.
Pris RuPriscilla and Ruanna in the WayOn Feng Shui Group Shop, Fu Lu Shou Centre, Singapore.
Gift croppedA momento of the 2014 class.


Working with WayOnNet Group

In 2010, I was invited to present Numerology at the 7th International Feng Shui Convention in Singapore. What an opportunity! Yes of course it was nerve wrecking but a challenge I faced head on. There were over a thousand people in the audience and I was very practiced and equipped with my Power-Point slide-show, over-head projector and of course my notes. 

Since this time I have been consistently invited back to teach Tarot Masterclass, Numerology Masterclass and recently in 2017 presented the first Advanced Tarot classes. I also doing heaps of Tarot readings in the WayOnNet shop at the Fu Lu Shou Complex in Rochor Rd.

In 2021, we created the first Astrology Masterclass. Yep, learn how to read your Natal Chart for yourself, friends and family. Its a very intense class, are you ready to delve into mythology and get to know the Gods and Goddesses that visit your chart?

I look forward to going back every year to present the:

  • The Tarot Masterclass
  • The Numerology Masterclass, and
  • The Advanced Tarot Masterclass, and
  • The Tarot Practicum Masterclass, and today
  • The Western Astrology Masterclass


To get on the WayOnNet Group mailing list for all future Masterclasses,
please contact Priscilla: +65 9836 3800 or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: https://www.wayfengshui.com/


Class1 croppedWhat a wonderful opportunity to connect with Tarot enthusiasts in Singapore.
IMG 4376aPresenting Grand Master Tan with a koala, Singapore 2011.
Taste Restaurant croppedThe Venue on Bencollen Rd has top facilities and caters all our food needs too.


Masterclasses in Singapore

Each year I am privileged to meet wonderful people that are open to studying esoteric studies like Tarot and Numerology.I like to think of it as East meets West.

Many students have asked will they understand the Tarot cards being more a Western art form. What I find really amazing is that the questions are the same whether they are asked here in Australia or in Singapore, there is no difference. The culture of the country will make no difference to Ancient Wisdom.

Why? Because we are dealing with archetypal energies and the symbolism is the same whether you grew up with Australian culture and values or Chinese/Singaporian culture and values! Also we all dream and we all want to share our dreams with others and interpret the meanings. No matter what background culture we come from, certain symbols have the same meanings all around the world, its primal. We will explore this subject further in the Masterclass.


Class All 2016Congratulations Class of 2016!
Tarot Practice 1Tarot practice is fun for the students once the cards come alive for them.
Cert of Appreciation 16 aEveryone recieves a Certificate of Appreciation after the Masterclass.


Tarot and Numerology

Tarot and Numerology are linked because every Tarot card is numbered. There is no mistakes why the The Death Major Arcana card is a number 13! Both Tarot and Numerology modalities compliment each other, they give further in-depth meaning to the interpretation of the Tarot card.

When studying with a teacher, the teacher will fast track you through to the knowledge because of their years of experience, they will answer all your questions and concerns about Tarot and Numerology therefore you will feel more confident with interpreting the Tarot cards when doing readings or when you analysing ones Numerology Chart.

No matter what you have learned or heard about Tarot so far, Tarot is not a religion. You do not have to believe in any spiritual discipline to read Tarot Cards. And yet when people commence this wonderful journey they may start to feel more enlightened and may develop a more positive approach to life. They may also start to accumillate and experience Crystals, other Oracle cards or Angel Cards, Pendulums, practice Meditation and Yoga, even become vegetarian, etc.

If you are a seeker, then the combination of Tarot and Numerology can give you the answers you are searching for. It takes commitment to do this classes, there is homework to do, there are tests to complete. But if you want your life to change, you have to make the necessary changes!

Tarot Masterclass

Today Tarot is used as a psychological tool to assist you in understanding your unconscious world and making it conscious.

Are you looking for something more in life? Then Tarot may give you the keys to unlock your inner secrets, to turn your life around and take more control over it. 

Like magic, once you become familiar and understand these keys to unlock the secrets of the Tarot you will experience and profound personal growth in these Masterclasses.

In the Tarot Masterclass you will:

  • Understand the Archetypal energies and how they work in our life today
  • Explore the Fire, Earth, Air and Water elements
  • Practice doing Tarot readings on each other and gain confidence in doing so
  • Discover Symbolism, Colours, Mythology, Astrology, Psychology and Numerology
  • Certificate is presented at the end of class


pix frame 16Celebrated my birthday this particular year, I was pleasantly surprised with a wonderful cake that we all shared.
Merlion CroppedAlways time for sightseeing. Here is the Merlion on the harbour.
Flyer 2017 cThe WayOnNet marketing team are very creative with beautiful flyers to advertise the Masterclasses.


 Numerology Masterclass

Every Tarot card is numbered and this is why Numerology works well with the Tarots. We will beginning with exploring the world of Pythagoras and his methodologies and why he was known as "The Grandfather of Numerology." Pythagoras believed every number has an emotional value to us. We will explore this subject further in the Masterclass.

When is it the best time to marry? When is it the best to change your career? To invest? To go on a holiday? What is my best power name and should I change my name? What is the best number house for me? All these questions will be answered in the Numerology Masterclass.

In the Numerology Masterclass you will:

  • Work out your Mask number, yes we all wear a Mask
  • Your Life Path and Destiny numbers
  • What is your Personal Year number so you can take advantage of this and live a fulfilled life
  • Create a Numerology chart for your friends and family
  • What are your Karmic numbers that you need to work on and heal them
  • Certificate is presented at the end of class


Astrology Masterclasses

2021 was the first year ever of presenting Astrology classes in Singapore. Held over 2 lots of full on and intensive weekends. Astrology is a life changing experience!

The first day is all about the Zodiacs. Most people are aware of their zodiac signs, so this was an nice easy day introduction into the world of Astrology.
The second day we covered the 10 Planets. Now the layering started to happen, receiving another level of understanding into the Zodiacs.
The third day we covered the 12 Houses and here is when we start to bring your Horoscope into focus and meaning for yourself.
The fourth day is where we covered all the Aspects and how the Planets all interact with each and your chart comes to life!

In the Astrology Masterclass you will:

  • Learn about Zodiac's and Horoscopes so you can read a chart for family and loved one.
  • Understand how Retrograde Planets work in your life.
  • What is your Passion and are you moving towards it.
  • What is your Wound and have you healed it.
  • See major aspects in your chart, are they favorable and are they working for you.


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Numerology Wynne Xuanni GQ resizedAnother wonderful class was shared and we have new Tarotist and Numerologists in the world!
Xuanni Pris Ru resized
Celebrating at the end of the third day when all the hard work is done.


Tarot, Numerology & Astrology Masterclasses 2024 Feedback - 12th Intake

Once again we used Zoom for all the classes for 2024.

                 Tarot & Numerology Masterclasses:

"Yes, Master Ruanna gave detailed guidance and was very patient in teaching the readings."

"I enjoyed reading tarot, and the Master guided us in refining our interpretation."


Numerology class March 2023So good to see the men are stepping up to do Tarot and Numerology classes.

August AdvertisementMasterclassses for 2023. Bring it on!
Tarot class March 23Fabulous to see mother and daughter coming together to study Tarot. What a wonderful way to connect with each other, through Tarot readings.  


Tarot, Numerology & Astrology Masterclasses 2023 Feedback - 12th Intake

Once again we used Zoom for all the classes for 2023. As I didn't make it across to Singapore again.
So look forward to travelling to Singapore in 2024. and catching up with all my students and friends!

                 Tarot & Numerology Masterclasses:

"Trainer asks a lot of questions and challenges us which makes me feel connected and makes me want to push harder to improve. She shared personal stories as well and it makes me feel more connected to her on a personal level."

"She'll give examples to explain her points."

"Master is very detail and goes through point by point and illustrate with own experiences."


Tarot Course Sg website

Advertising Tarot Masterclass on the WayOnNet Group Website. For more information contact Priscilla on Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Thats me photoYou can see me in the far corner of the
screen, once again we used Zoom to
teach classes and we went across
three time zones for 2022!
22 Sg Astro classI created powerful PowerPoint
presentation for the students to follow
while using Zoom. Visuals are an
important part of the learning.


Tarot, Numerology & Astrology Masterclasses 2022 Feedback - 11th Intake

Once again we used Zoom for all the classes for 2022. Hopefully next year I will be there in person!

                 Tarot & Numerology Masterclasses:

"Master Ruanna is very friendly and approachable. She shared her life experience with us, making the lesson more authentic and real."

"Clear guidance and well explanation on the cards meanings."

"The presentation slides and notes are well prepared, easy to find and understand."

              Advanced Masterclasses

"Enjoyed learning from each other."

"The master and mentor are very patient and helpful when I got questions."


            Western Astrology Masterclasses

"The exercises to work on our charts that challenge us to think and understand what we have learnt better, put into practice which leads to self-awareness and what work on to improve the various areas of our life. And the interaction with team mates gave us more examples to relate what we have learnt."


Screenshot 20210827 174820 GalleryDue to COVID the Masterclasses have gone to Zoom. Congrats Class of 2021.
Screenshot 20210812 153207 WhatsAppThere is always a first time going live on Instagram discussing Western Astrology.
Astrology Class 2021 resizedFirst Astrology Masterclass held over Zoom and over 2 big weekends!


Tarot, Numerology & Astrology Masterclasses 2021 Feedback - 10th Intake

Once again we Zoomed the classes because we still in lock-downs and no international travel as yet.

                 Tarot & Numerology Masterclasses:

"Master Ruanna is very professional, sharp and engaging throughout the course."

"I am new to Tarot before the course. With Master Ruanna’s coaching, I was able to apply the new found knowledge immediately with fresh insights. After the first weekend of the training, I could interpret the cards confidently and even had positive outcomes out of the experience. Grateful for the learning opportunity."

"Master Ruanna is nice, patient and always checked on us to make sure that we are all on the same track."

"Master Ruanna is friendly and nice."

"Feeling many positive energy in the class and got all readings during the exercise moving in the same directions, despite of fewer cards or on different days."

"The answers and the aura is really there."

"Understood where I was coming from, and also understood what she meant when in doubt. Felt her energy and very comfortable with her."

                   Astrology Masterclasses:

"Master Ruanna is very patient in guiding us through the complex astrology details and addressing our long list of questions. She shared many life examples to facilitate understanding too."

"Ability to bring out the best in us, teach at our level of understanding, feel us and manage the pace and provide environment comfortable enough for us to open up."

"Through the course I discovered more about myself, and why I particular behaved in a certain way when I interact with others."

"Special thanks Master Ruanna, Mark, Priscilla and Way Fengshui Team in putting this course together, enabling me to grasp the astrology concepts easily and to explore astrology further. Appreciate the tremendous effort put into this course."

"It’s already very magical! Thank you Priscilla and Master Ruanna for making this session happen!"


Tarot manual and deckManuals and Tarot decks are prepared for the students.
2020 ClassFor the first time Masterclasses were held online. I miss my Singapore!
Tim Tams 1 BThere is always an exchange of gifts after each Masterclass. This time I sent the Singapore team a box full of Tim Tams as a thank you!


Tarot & Numerology Masterclasses 2020 Feedback

This year was a little different thanks to COVID. I didn't get to go across to Singapore to run the classes, nor did I get to catch up with my friends, nor go shopping!

But COVID was not going to hold us back because it was all handled online using the Zoom platform. We were able to create breakout rooms for the students to do their readings. Thank you to Priscilla and Way Group for being flexible and open to change and running the classes another way!

Yes, we had new students joining us and we also had the graduates fine tuning their skills and supporting the newbies.

I missed seeing everyone face-to-face and having those special in-depth discussion, as well as our regular graduates dinner. Let's set an intention to do it all again next year face-to-face!


Dinner SurpriseAlumni Dinner Surprise for me before I left Singapore to come back home.
IMG 20190712 WA0000WayOnNet Team offered a Tarot Masterclasses preview with prior students making the presentations.
Tarot Book 2Tarot students holding their copy of the Tarot Distinctions book.


Tarot & Numerology Masterclasses 2019 Feedback

"Thank you Master Ruanna for teaching and guiding us with lots of luv in this tarot learning journey. Looking forward to learning from all and bless to be with all in this magical journey."

"Hi Master Ruanna! Thank you for your 5 days valuable guidance; hope to see you soon in Singapore!"
"Thank you Master Ruanna for your love shown in not only accommodating me in this class so that I can complete the journey but also your continuous sharing and guidance."
"So happy to you Master Ruanna! Reading your book, I can imagine you speaking in front of me (not joking). Thank you for your continuous sharing and support in my tarot journey. See you next year!! In the meantime, take care!"
"Yes indeed, Master Ruanna's book is like we are attending her class. Speaking to us, guiding us thru. Am very thankful to meet all of you in my tarot journey."

"I would like to share with you how amazed I am with the Tarot cards. Despite not having time to work on it, it continues to give very consistent indications. I look forward to advanced classes next year. Thank you so much for teaching us and for the encouragement."


2018 All 3 bThank you to the class of 2018.
Master SignThe marketing team are so creative, they know Tarot is my world!
Tarot Alumni 3Alumni dinner with the students before I left to come home. So yummy!


Tarot & Numerology Masterclasses 2018 Feedback

 "Just wanna thank you for the sharing, guidance and opening me up to the world of Tarot. Been a pleasure to be able to learn from you."

"Just wanted to tell you that I had managed to do tarot reading fro my first clients 2 days ago. And it went smoothly and well. Thank you for the knowledge and also being such a great inspiration to me."

"Thanks Master Ruanna for the encouragement. Would not have the courage to do it without your kind guidance and support. Looking forward to seeing you soon."

"I have lots to learn from you still, looking forward to next lessons with you!"


Advanced Class 2Tarot Advanced Masterclass is complete. Taking Tarot to the next level!
Flyer 2017 bThe Marketing Team excelled this year with social media.
Way Office TeamHere are the WayOnNet Team that makes all the Masterclasses in Singapore possible.



Tarot & Numerology Masterclass 2017 Feedback

"Great. It opens me to discover & explore more in doing readings for myself & others. The course materials are well done & organised. Easy to read through."

"Helps me to find myself back. And find my faith back."

"Open a new world to me, provided good insights and good combination of Beginners Tarot & Numerology. Able to understand and link the relationship together."

"Very inspiring and personal, also to relate and cite strong working examples for is to follow." Very nurturing and patience."

"Master Ruanna is very friendly. She is able to effectively explain & demonstrate the meaning of the tarot deck in simple layman term to allow us to grasp. I enjoy her teaching very much as she bring us through the fool's journey to the world. I am grateful to have met Master Ruanna."


Orchid TeapotSingapore came to Australia in the form of a Teapot set with the Singapore national flower on it, the orchid, as a thank you!
2020 Dates NewMomentos of all the Masterclasses held in Singapore over the past 10 years!


Screenshot 20211014 204823 WhatsAppThose that complete all the Masterclasses also recieve a copy of my book, Tarot Distinctions.

Thank you Singapore!

I have made wonderful friends along this special journey. Priscilla and the team at Way Feng Shui Group have become my new friends and every year after my masterclasses when I go into the office to finalise all the paperwork, I am happy to turn over a Tarot card or two for each of them, answer any questions, dispel any fears and just have some fun with Tarot. 

There is a lot of work that gets done behind the scenes, from creating the flyer and online marketing, advertising, handling questions and taking the bookings. Creating timetables and booking in people for Tarot readings, its all part of the preparations and I am forever grateful, thank you Singapore for taking me in with open arms!


 To get on the WayOnNet Group mailing list for all future Masterclasses:
Please contact Priscilla: +65 6338 3800 or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: Way OnNet Group Singapore


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