Tarot Advanced Classes

Tarot Advanced Classes

Fabulous Tarot Advanced class to the initial Tarot course.

12 weeks to practice spreads with others also interested in this craft.

Need to have prior experience, either a minimum of 2 years Tarot practice or completed a formal Tarot class.


"The unexamined life is not worth living."

Revisit the Tarot on a much deeper level. The Tarot Advanced program is designed for those wanting more knowledge, enhancing Tarot skills and gaining further confidence interpreting the cards.

There are many levels in the Tarot as you know, and this program allows exploring these many levels giving you further insights, discussing them with others in class, thereby coming away not just with your own discoveries but with everyone else's learnings as well.

Tarot Masterclass

You will also understand the being of human-beings and why we do the things we do. Create a new habit with the Tarot cards, bring them into your every day life. You will have the opportunity to have many breakthroughs, all this assists you in becoming more conscious of your life and of others.

With further Tarot studies, your level of understanding the cards will grow and there are so many levels as you know to explore. Giving yourself the time to colour in your Tarot cards with your own colours is a wonderful process, you will be pleasantly surprised.

Creating your own Tarot spread also makes you feel very connected with the cards. To share your spread in class takes you to a whole other level of understanding Tarot.

PLEASE NOTE: To do this Advanced Tarot class, you must have a minimum of 2 year experience with Tarots, read or have collected a few Tarot books already and have completed some other formal Tarot class or training. Its not fair when its time to practice readings that it is only one way! It also hurts me to say "No" to someone that really wants to work with Tarots.


IMG 7561aTaking Tarot readings to another level along with others that love to practice, Dec 2013.
Eleanor2Creating your very own Tarot book.
Ida Anna Marina MargLove the deeper conversations Tarot brings up for us to explore, also the friendships.


What we will cover in this class:

  • We will explore all the 22 Major Arcana cards
  • Explore your own weekly spreads and share your insights with the class so everyone learns the lessons
  • Each week the whole class will interpret a spread for a participant
  • Engage with other like minded people and share your knowledge
  • Covering any other questions you may have re readings, Tarot cards, etc.
  • Creating your own Tarot card interpretations
  • You would need to have basic knowledge of Tarot to do this workshop


Rebecka1Students creating fabulous artworks of the Tarot cards.
Stephanie FebaMany techniques are used in the artwork. Watercolours, pencils and textas.
Rebecka Lena1Taking Tarot to another level. Understanding the cards through colour.


Tarot Advanced class fees are:

  • $58 pay as you go
  • 2 hour class once a week
  • 12 week program
  • This is also a certificate program
  • My Tarot Advanced classes usually run on a Wednesday evening. 7pm - 9pm.
  • This class runs once per year, in the second half of the year.
  • Currently run via Zoom, because I enroll people from across the state as well as interstate.
  • All the Handouts and Zoom ID will be emailed to you.

This Advanced Tarot class will be held online via Zoom:

  • I have created a powerful PowerPoint presentation to work through.
  • All the Handouts will be emailed out to you.
  • l will send your Zoom ID closer to the class commencement.
  • Why on Zoom? Because I attract people from the other side of town, as well as from interstate.

There is only 1 Tarot Advanced class per:

  • Wednesday Evenings - 7pm -9pm. - Next class date starts:      21 May 2025
How to enrol into this Advanced Tarot class:
  • If you would like to enrol into this class, just drop me an email and I will send you the booking in information.
  • I can also place you on the waiting list and email you the month prior to class starting, giving you time to prepare.
  • Once you are on the waiting list, I will let you know the dates of when the next class starts.
  • You may also like to subscribe to my monthly newsletter, I show all the classes, dates and times there.


Thanks to you for taking the journey - Ruanna

"Thank you to Jamie for her amazing pictures with the crystals and all the little props. l especially love The Black Lilith and turning the horse into a Unicorn!

Thank you to everyone else that takes part in this class. Some people used stickers and sparkles, others made them pop out in 3D by using all sorts of materials, like cotton for the dog in The Fool, for example. The colouring in of the pictures is a major component of this class and the most fulfilling part! If you are interested in taking this class, prepare to do the work, it is rewarding!" 


The FoolMany items were used in these peices. Dimentes were used, and cotton wool for the dog making this picture pop out in 3D.
The Sun1The horse in this piece is now a Unicorn!
High Priestess1Heaps more Diamentes used in this High Priestess picture.


December 2023

"They have been great! I really love reading and the conversations you can have through the cards. I love this course and will be sad when it’s over 😔" - Anne

August 2022

"Hi Ruanna, I received the Tarot Certificate of Completion and your lovely letter - thank you! They made me ridiculously happy.😄 Loved every minute of the course, although it was challenging at times." - Louise

March 2019

"I started this course wanting to get a better understanding of the Major Arcana cards. Part of this new understanding is in the colouring in. I was confused as to why but three majors in I understood. The penny dropped and the magic happened. The colours I chose and my reasons for those colours changed my relationship with the cards. I not only saw them differently, I remembered them differently. This is a brilliant course and I've loved every minute of it. Ruanna is a really good teacher. If you want to delve deeper don't hesitate to do this course. Just do it! You won't regret it!" - Kelly


LegacyDivineTarotaMany students bring along their favourite Tarot cards to share in class.
Francesca Jacqui Jude Ru 2 resizedThanks to COVID we took the Advanced class online, students were able to practice their readings via the Break Out rooms.
Hand spreadStudents have the opportunity to create wonderful spreads in this Advanced Tarot course.



April 2018

"I am glad/thankful that I came across the Art of Tarot Masterclass on the internet when I was searching for opportunities to continue my learning. Ruanna was an excellent teacher - classes were well prepared, lots of group discussion, all views were heard and respected, participants were given firm pushes when they tried to squirm out of something. The Major Arcana was explored in depth at a comfortable pace. There was an opportunity every week for each participant to practice a different style of reading with support from Ruanna and other participants. I can recommend this course as it certainly assisted my learning." -Trish

"I loved how we looked at the Major Arcanas in much more detail than in the Tarot Course.  I didn't think the colouring in would be my thing but I learnt a lot from it and looked at the actual cards in great detail and thought about the different colours and why they were used originally.  I enjoyed and got a lot out of the different spreads that we did and also the discussions that we had.  I loved hearing what the other people thought as we had all come from different places in life and that added a great deal to the discussions.  I enjoyed the way Ruanna teaches, so much detail, life experience and easy to follow." -Julie


April 2016

"It was a wonderful journey. Loved colouring in. I didn't realise I was actually living the tarot cards as I was colouring them in. The deepest journey started around The Hermit and not until The Star card did I feel the shift of coming back up." -Rebecca 



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