Information about my training and learnings with Numerology.
My practice and presentations.
"We either make ourselves happy or miserable.
The amount of work is the same."
-Carlos Castenada, Mystic and Author 1925-1998
There are many various methods and many books on Numerology today including many websites articles on this subject. I use the traditional Pythagorean based Numerology system. It is the most popular, the most recognised method and it works well with all the other modalities that I also teach ie: Tarot and Astrology.
I teach this particular method in a one day 4 hour workshop which I run every couple of months. This is also a certificate program. You will confident to then use Numerology creatively in all areas of your life, as well as do Numerology readings for your friends and family.
In the early 1990s I did a workshop called Born to be Free with Teymara a leading Australian Numerologist at the time. This workshop entailed a huge portion on Numerology, since then it has become part of my life.
For a little while, I had the opportunity to work for Teymara and the Born to Be Free workshops. This kept me further enthralled with learning more about Numerology. Since then I have developed my own simple systems with Numerology, and I use these systems in my Readings today.
My training to date:
I had the honour of being invited to Singapore and be a Guest Presenter and present Numerology. It was a wonderful experience and great opportunity to share with over 1,000 people all about my method of applying Numerology.
See my section on Numerology Classes for details on this one day certificate program, and subscribe to my monthly Newsletter Revelations, for the forthcoming dates and times on the next Numerology workshop.