Healings Sorcery Spiritual Shamanic Classes

Healings Sorcery Spiritual Shamanic Classes
All the Handouts will be emailed out to you.

Answers some questions about Shamans and Sorcerors.

Information about the SSS 12 week workshop.

How Psychic are you?


"I am already given to the power that rules my fate;
And I cling to nothing so I have nothing to defend;
I have no thoughts so I can see:
I fear nothing so I can remember myself:
Detached and at ease, I dart past the eagle to be free."
-Carlos Castenada

This workshop is ready to go, and I am looking forward to exploring Sorcery, Shamanic and Spiritual development practices with those that are seeking. What does it take to become a modern Shaman in the world today?

Many people over the years have asked me to do a Spiritual Development class and finally I have been able to pull away from the Tarot and Astrology enough to gather together all the other modalities and practices to create an exciting new program that covers the Spiritual, Shamanic and Sorcery methods.

"Discover your power within!"

The Art of Shamanic, Sorcery and Spiritual Workshop

I also wanted a program that was more hands on, practicing exercises on each other, more research work rather than writing and writing notes. Hence I have developed a 10 - 12 week program covering 10 main areas of Sorcery, Spiritual and Shamanic Development.

You will receive a folder covering all the subjects already typed up, yes there is reading to do, Homework and research to do and then sharing it, discussion it, exploration and practice afterwards.


KL Vision Board5Creating the future you really want. Becoming conscious of it and understanding the power of manifestation.
Sage2Sage is a powerful cleanser. I use the best quality, Victorian grown, White Grand Father Sage. I have plenty of stock available, various sizes, if you wish to purchase any.
don juanHave you read any of the Carlos Castenada books?

We will explore and discuss:

  • What does the modern Shaman look like today?
  • How do you bring Spirituality into the every day?
  • What is a Shaman today?
  • How does Sorcery work?
  • Who or what is a Sorcerer?
  • The difference between a Sorcerer and Shaman?

 This SSS class involves:

  • A 12 weeks program, because there is so much to share in this class!
  • $68 per person, per 2 hour class, pay as you go
  • Includes manual, notes are given to you each week
  • This workshop is designed to be a hands-on approach
  • Homework to do, research to do
  • A lot of exercises to perform and practice on each other
  • Vision Board to create and share with class
  • Receive the Higher Taste Book. Need to read Part of this book.
  • Certificate at completion of class

 Current classes are held via Zoom

  • All the Handouts will be emailed out to you.
  • l will email you the Zoom ID closer to the class commencement
  • If you cannot attend one class here or there, they are recorded, for a lesser cost.
  • When it comes time to practice time, I create the Breakout Rooms, which are a lot of fun, and I pop in and out of each room to assist and answer questions.
  • Some exercises may be changed to accomodate working via Zoom.
  • Why on Zoom? Because I attract people from the other side of town as well as from interstate.

There is only 1 x SSS class held per year.

~ Wednesday evenings: 7pm - 9pm. - Next class starts:  21 May 2025.

How to enrol into this SSS class:

  • If you would like to enrol into these classes, just drop me an email and I will send you the booking in information. 
  • I can also place you on the waiting list and email you the month prior to class starting, giving you time to prepare. 
  • The dates change all the time, once you are on the waiting list, I will let you know the dates of when the next class starts. 
  • You may also like to subscribe to my monthly newsletter, I show all the classes, dates and times there. 


IMG 7552aLove it when family do this workshop together and support each other, to bring the best out in each other.
crow moonRaven is always watching us, asking us to get a move on!
Juliett chartHow quickly can you materialise your dreams? Sometimes they are there right under our eyes, you just have to see.


A Summary of Subjects / Topics that we will Cover in Class are:

Week 1 - Tools of the Trade - Part 1: 
Oils & Incense, Candles, Flowers, Toltec vs Hawaiian Sorcery, Chinese Sticks, Meditation, Detox, Tarot, Numerology, Runes.

Week 2 - Tools of the Trade - Part 2: 
Medicine bags, What is Intuition, Essential Oils, Vision Boards, Journaling.

Week 3 - Tools of the Trade - Part 3:  
Roses, Chakra, Energy Balls, Vision Quests, Labyrinths, Karma, Past Life Regression, Pyramids, Dreams.

Week 4 - Sound & Song: 
Osho exercises, Drumming, Bells & Singing Bowls, Music, Chanting, Dance, Yoga.

Week 5 - Crystals: 
Meditations with Crystals, Crystal Healings, Clear Quartz, Crystal Wands, How to clean your Crystals, Crystal Balls, Feng Shui in the home.

Week 6 - Colours:
Chakras, Colours & Auras: Chakra Meditations, Body Connections, Mandala exercise, Astral Plain, Aura exercises, Candles, Chackra Guide, Fractals & Mandelbrots.

Week 7 - Divining: 
Face & Palm readings, Pendulums, Psychometry, Oracles, The Great Goddesses, Dowsing, Altars & Spells, The 8 Sabbats, Kinesiology.

Week 8 - Spirit Connections: 
Guides & Angels, Animal Totems, Animal Dreaming, Loyal Familiars, Wizardry, Lady Morgana & Merlin, The Morrigan, Spirits are everywhere, Your Spirit Name, Your Animal Familiar, Matrix.

Week 9 - Clearing Stuck Energies Within: 
Ear Candling, Smudging, Rescue remedies, Pulling stuff out of the body & Psychic Healings, Protection, Casting a Circle, Feng Shui Chi Energy, Grounding, Curses.

Week 10 - Environment: 
Salt Lamps, Vegetarian, Moon magic & Astrology, Mobile Phone & computer protection & EMRs, Protection, Diffusers, Selenite Wands.

Week 11 - Earth Actions: 
What's next, Social Media & Networking, Precession, Universal Law’s & Generalised Principles, Moon Guides and Final Reviews, Get involved in Earth Actions.



safe handsReaching behind the veil to get some answers.
My ToolsMy tools of trade for Shamanic Healings. These simple tools have been with me a long time, much loved and well used!
Lai 12 BraidsThis dream was for others. Lai gave 12 Braids of her own hair to support women in need.


Four simple agreements I love to be aware of and do my best to live by is the from the book "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz:

1. Be impeccable with your word

2. Don't take anything personal

3. Don't make assumptions

4. Always do your best


I have much respect for the following Authors, here are some books that have most impressed me:

  • Critical Path by Dr. R. Buckminster Fuller
  • The Teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz
  • Urban Shaman by Dr Kahili King Ph.D
  • Primitive Magic
  • Wicca
  • Sorcerer's Apprentice by Amy Wallace
  • Carlos Castenada Books
  • Jonathan Seagull by Richard Bach
  • Own Your Own Shadow by Robert Johnson
  • Balancing Heaven & Earth by Robert Johnson
  • A Course in Miracles
  • Quest & Kindling the Native Spirit by Denise Linn
  • Secrets of Natural Success by William Whitecloud
  • Psychomagic by Alejandro Jodorowsky


Robert A Johnson 2Robert A Johnson has delved greatly into psychology of the He, She and We archetypes.
healingIt's always about healing. There are many paths you can take. As long as you keep going. Winston Churchill once said: "If you are going through hell, keep going."
shaman eagleA Shaman was asked: "What is Poison?" He replied: "Anything beyond what we need is poison, it can be power, laziness, food, ego, ambition, vanity, fear, anger or whatever."

September 2020

"I absolutely loved loved loved the journey, the experience and the lessons. I was in my element and cannot believe it went so fast!" -D

May 2017

"Thanks for an awesome course. It was great meeting other like-minded folk. I look forward to the next phase of my journey with you." -David

July 2014

"You're very welcome Ruanna! I really love it too - it's in my office, and I still look at it every day. Still a few things to manifest, but on the whole, I could never have imagined when I put it together that I would have a hugely successful business as a result." -Kellie

February 2013

"Thanks, it was a fascinating journey" -Mary

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