An overview of some of the courses and workshops I have taken over the years.
I am still seeking, learning and practiscing alternative healing methods.
Life is learning!
"We hardly ever realise that we can cut anything out of our lives,
anytime, in the blink of an eye."
-Carlos Castenada
From 2002-2004 I experienced a two year apprenticeship with a Sorcerer. My eyes opened and have been open ever since!
I have grown in all areas of my life because of putting into practice what I learned and also because of my new beliefs. I said to myself if I want to really see if being a warrior for peace really works I have to be the example, I have to demonstrate it, especially because I teach tarot and have to be responsible and impeccable to my word.
My learnings are still growing today, I recommend educating yourself and reading the latest books to keep open, to keep on the edge as I call it.
Have your read all of Carlos Casteneda books? Do you understand the path of a Nagual?
The healing path can lead you anywhere, this is the Tree of Life.
I am Sacred Raven. "This is simple, this is easy, this is fun!" This is my Moon Magic.
"If you are not on the edge, you are taking up too much space!"
I can truly say I have worked through or assisted on my fair share of workshops from Money & You, Born to Be Free through to the EST and Landmark Forum, which truly have been huge life changing experiences for me.
- I discovered the world of Bucky and volunteered my services to the GENI Foundation Initiative immediately, this was in 1990 and I am still committed to this project and making the world work for everyone today.
- Nuts n Bolts of an Organisation with Robert Kiyosaki.
- Relationships Workshop with Kim and Robert Kiyosaki.
- Your Future By Design and Business By Design Workshops with Jerry Speiser. Delving into the world of Buckminster Fuller and the Generalised Principles. Continued with Bucky Study groups with Jerry.
- Various Crystal workshops throughout the years and I use them as much as possible in all my healing practices today.
- 2000 Angel and the Elementals Workshops. Nature's energy and Spirits of Nature with Alana Moore.
- 2000 Wiccan and Magic Workshops.
- 2006 Vipassana Meditation, a 10-day practice in silence. I practice this method of meditation as much as I can!
- Dream workshops and Dream Activation methods.
- Mandala workshops.
- Success and You weekend workshop, Melbourne.
- Currently studying Psychology through Robert Johnson books in my Tarot Study Book Club.
- 2013 Created the Spiritual, Shamanic and Sorcery Workshop.
- 2016 Happiness & Mindfulness workshop through University of Carlifornia Los Angeles, UCLA.
- 2018 Marianne Williamson 10 day Teaching the Teachers mentorship.
- 2020 21 Day Abundance Challenge by Deepak Chopra
- 2020 William Whitecloud Create Your Destiny 6 week online workshop
- 2020 William Whitelcoud Alchemy for Success 5 day workshop
- 2020 William Whitecloud Creative Warrior 4 day workshop
- 2021 William Whitecloud Mastery 4 day workshop
Very honoured to participate in a 10 day mentorship with one of my favourites, Marianne Williamson. Teaching the Teachers.
OMG, I have books in every room of my house. I read 2 or 3 books at a time, I am even in a Book Club which forces me to read and decipher them with the group.
Studying Alchemy with William Whitecloud and creating my best life.
- 1998 Professional Member of the Australian Psychic Association
- 1997 RMIT Community Information Workers Certificate
- 1999 NLP Training Certificate
- 2000 Counseling Skills through Adult Education, CAE, Melbourne
- 2008 1st Level 1st Aid
- 2009 Reiki 1
- 2011 2nd Level Senior 1st Aid
- 2011 Certificate of Completion for Ear Candling
- 2011 Reiki II
- 2011 Cerificate 4 in Sports Coaching and Development
- 2011 Diploma of Sports (Coaching)
- 2011 Diploma of Sports (Development)
- 2011 Professional Member of Australian Reiki Connection Inc.
- 2012 Reiki Master
- 2013 Wellness Advocate with doTerra Essential Oils
- 2018 doTerra Accredited AromaTouch Technique
- 2021 Natural Success Certificate of Completion with completing all 4 of William Whitecloud workshops,
Create Your Destiny, Alchemy for Success, Creative Warrior and Mastery.
May 2019 - After giving one of my students a Hematite Crystal...
"That crystal just saved my life I’m actually in shock I wonder what I was holding on to... I absorb energies around me unwillingly to the point I struggle to breath a lot of the time and I feel like I’ve just taken my first fresh breath of air and my eyes are more open I feel lighter wow I can’t even explain how bad it gets but this little crystal just pulled something out of me I felt it leave lol that’s crazy I feel so different but so good I can’t believe it. - Anita