Revelations #210 ~ November 2024 ~
Purchase products from your local!
Xmas is around the corner and there are many small business that are stocking up with plenty of Xmas ideas or those little items to fill up the Xmas stockings.
I too always have plenty of necessary items that we all need in our everyday life, like sage, or hand creams from Nutrimetics, or tumbled crystals and crystalbooks, or essential oils and diffusers.
You can leave me a message, make an appt to visit my shop, or purchase from my website online shop.
We had our Annual LunaBears Lads and Ladys picnic last weekend. A group of concerned individuals coming together to bring awareness and of course raise funds to end bear bile farming forever. This year we had 16 people that contributed and the total raised was $780. A huge heartfelt thank you to everyone that contributed, it makes a huge difference to the life of a Moon bear.
And remember to add your Business listing on the Healers and Psychics Directory. Its a powerful SEO site designed to get your business out there. It's a great marketing incentive and I welcome your feedback as well. If you haven't registered yet, what are you waiting for?
Heaps of Specialness, Ruanna
November Forecast
We are in Scorpio season. Scorpio season runs from 23 October to 21 November. It is a water sign and a fixed modality.
The energy is all about depth, transformation, and intensity. It has more demensional levels than any other zodiac sign. It's a powerful time for introspection, embracing change, and exploring the hidden layers of life and relationships.
Emotions tend to run deep, it’s a great time to pursue passions, uncover secrets, and let go of anything holding you back.
New Moon in Scorpio
On 1 November, we have New Moon in Scorpio. Having a New Moon in Scorpio is already an emotional time, what makes this New Moon even more intense is the Mars Pluto oppostion happening exactly on the same day.
Mars is in Cancer, a water sign and Cancer is ruled by the Moon. Mars is also the old classic ruler of Scorpio and Pluto is the modern day ruler. That alone says heaps! Both Mars and Pluto are also at that 29 anaertic degree, which makes it even all the more powerful time and reinforcing a statement here.
Hopefully, you use this powerful energy in a postiive way. You have the opportunity to create what you want to do and manifest it in your life and do it all with passion, an emotional focused passion. The shadow way would be becoming reactive to situations, holding grudges and becoming revengeful, this happens when you are not in charge of your emotions.
Just do the best that you can with this energy, see what makes you react and reign that in. Pick your battles as they say. Now is the time to let go of the ego control over the situation or what you are attached to. This is what the Full Moon in Scorpio is offering us, to recognise it, release it and go with the flow.
Mars Enters Leo
On 4 November, the planet Mars leaves Cancer and enters the sign of Leo. Mars will reenter Cancer again because there is a retrograde in between, this whole cycle will complete by mid May 2025.
Mars energy is all about motivation and action, both Mars and Leo are fiery masculine conscious energies. It's time for you to review where you are at in life and use this powerful exciting motivational energy and take appropriate action to go in the right direction.
Leo's energy brings a bold, self-assured edge that complements Mars intensity beautifully. With that Leo influence, it’s easier to tackle Scorpio season’s transformative challenges with courage and poise. This combo can help anyone step into their power with both the confidence to shine and the depth to connect meaningfully.
Full Moon in Taurus
On 15 November, we have a Full Moon in Taurus. This Full Moon is exalted in Taurus, it is very happy to be in this zodiac sign. What makes this Full Moon extraordinary is that its conjunct Uranus.
Taurus likes to be stable and the feeling of security, it wants predctability and have some control over the situation. Whereas Uranus is all about unpredictability, its about change and growth and whats to be surprised. It will crash and break down what is stagnant, not working and controlled.
This combination of planets and signs is teaching us that your security comes from within, not from the material world out there. This Full Moon may shake you up, so you go within to see that you are capable and you have your own sense of security to flow through life, no matter what life brings you.
Another thing you can do during this Full Moon in Taurus time, is to go outside and take your shoes off and feel that earthy grounded energy under your feet. Release the control and step into the flow, know that you have everything you need to be successful, even if you dont have a plan.
Pluto Enters Aquarius
On 19 November, Pluto finally leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius for good. Pluto the planet of transformation is offering us a deeper awareness about how our words affect us and others. Words were man's first creation. Words are tools, they have power.
What you think, you ultimately become.
Pluto is asking us to take responsibility for what you think and say. You are the one that is giving energy to it. What you are saying is bringing about what you want. Pay attention to what you are saying.
Do you say sorry, a lot? Then stop it. Instead of thinking, I'm scared to do this, say I am excited about learning something new. Instead of saying, don't forget to buy the milk, replace it with, remember to buy the milk! Changing words or being clear with words, brings clarity, it can really lift you up and you will feel lighter.
Be being aware, you are the only one that can create a different reaction and different outcome.
Mercury Goes Retrograde
On 26 November, Mercury in Sagittarius goes Retrograde until 15 December. On top of all this full on Scorpio and Mars Pluto opposition energy, we have Mercury in Sagittaius going retrograde. It's usually retrograde for about 3 weeks but it always feels like 6 weeks.
When Mercury goes retrograde it is a powerful time to go within. The energy of the planet does not change, its the action that changes.
Fabulous time to write in your journal or start writing a book. Start creating that art project or simply just file things away. Do something by yourself, go for a walk in the park, a new adventure to explore, Sagittarius would love that.
Many people out there, including Astrologers still give Mercury retrograde a bad rap and it is definitely not that. Flights are always being delayed or cancelled, printers are always running out of toner and meetings are always being rescheduled.
Please revise your thinking about Mercury retrogrades and don't buy into the negativity.
What a wonderful powerful month and year ahead, happy breakthroughs!
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Calendar of Events for this Month!
United Nations International Year of: The Camelids for 2024
United Nations Decade of: Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021 to 2030
United Nations Charter Established 26 June 1945
** National Asbestos Awareness Month.
is Australia's leading multi award-winning asbestos awareness and community education campaign in the prevention of asbestos-related diseases.
1 World Vegan Day, the goal is to promote and expand awareness of the ethical, compassionate, health and environmental benefits of a vegan diet and lifestyle to the general public. 1 New Moon in Scorpio. An intense time, so be mindful! 1 All Saints Day. 2 All Souls Day. 3 One Health Day. 5 Melbourne Cup. 5 World Tsunami Awareness Day. 6 International Day for Preventing the Exploitation of the Environment in War and Armed Conflict, which looks at the damage done to the planet in times of armed conflict, the effects of which often extend beyond the actual war, national borders and the present generation. 7 Carl Sagan Day. 8 Freya Day. In Norse Mythology Freya (Norse word for "The Lady") is a goddess associated with love, sexuality, beauty, fertility, gold, war, and death. Freya rides a chariot pulled by two cats. 9 - 17 Pollinator Week. Australian Pollinator Week acknowledges our important and unique insect pollinators during our southern hemisphere spring season. 10 World Science Day. The theme of World Science Day is Basic Sciences for Peace and Sustainable Development. 11 Armistice Day. Remembrance Day. 11 - 17 National Recycling Week, emphasizes the role of recycling in combating global warming. Organised by Planet Ark. 11 - 22 UN Climate Change Conference COP 28, will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan for 2024. For over three decades the UN has been bringing together almost every country on earth for global climate summits – called COPs – which stands for ‘Conference of the Parties’. In that time climate change has gone from being a fringe issue to a global priority. 13 World Kindness Day. 16 Full Moon in Taurus. A day to splurge on good food and wine! 15 Steve Irwin Day, to remember the legend's wildlife conservation work and encourage others to continue his legacy. 17 International GIS Day. GIS Day provides an international forum for users of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology to demonstrate real-world applications that are making a difference in our society. 17 White Ribbon Day. The White Ribbon movement is the world's largest movement engaging men and boys working to end men's violence against women and girls, promote gender equality and create a new vision of masculinity. 18 National Baw Baw Frog Day. 18 National Agriculture Day. Your chance to celebrate and learn about Australia's incredible farm sector. 18 - 24 World Antibiotic Awareness Week. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites change over time and no longer respond to medicines. 19 World Toilet Day. Raising awareness about the need for all human beings to have access to sanitation. 21 World Fisheries Day, was established to draw attention to over-fishing, habitat destruction and other serious threats to the sustainability. 26 World Olive Tree Day. To encourage the protection of the olive tree and the values it embodies, in order to appreciate its important social, cultural, economic and environmental significance to humanity. 30 Aussie Music Tshirt Day. Wear your favourite rock music Tshirt.
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Every month, I turn over 2 cards, one from the top of the deck to represent the Conscious energy and the other from the bottom of the deck to represent the Unconscious energy. I am always thinking of the big picture and exploring for the collective.
These two Tarot cards are also loaded on my Tarot Mastery private Facebook group for students of Tarot in Action to explore the meanings and share their insights with others.
~ I asked the Tarot cards what is the energy for the whole month of November 2024? ~ What do we need to be mindful of, so we can make the most out of it? The Sun is in the Conscious position, and Queen of Wands is in the Unconscious position.
Summary... The first thing that I see is how much these two cards have in common: All that yellow gold colour coming through, the Queen of Wands connects to the element of fire, and the 3 zodiac fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Also, Leo is ruled by the Sun.
I am looking forward to seeing how sunny November is going to be. It feels good to see these two cards together, I get a warmth all over like a new day or a new era is about to begin.
The Sun This card is a 19/1 in numerology. The number one is all about the new beginnings, and we have a child also symbolising new birth or the birth of something new.
We have The Fool reborn in this card. Love how well balanced on the horse he sits, like magic he holds no reigns, in fact there is no need for them. He has that youthful naviete along with that Leo confidence.
The wall behind him symbolises the material world and he is no longer held back by it all. He is free from all that stuff that can hold us back.
In fact, everything in this card needs the sun to make grow, humans, plants and animals.
Queen of Wands This queen is a fiesty woman. She is confident in her abilities and enterprising, also warm, courageous, friendly and aproachable. I think all fire signs hold this energy.
Queens in the Tarot are about reflection. The Queen of Wands may be reflecting on her work, career or a new adventure she is about to embark upon.
This queen may also represent your good friend or a colleague in the work place. Time to have some fun in the sun with your friends.
3. Classes, Workshops, Programs & Products
~ Discover the Keys in each Tarot card? ~ Acquire a new skill and earn an extra income? ~ 22 fully comprehensive Video classes. ~ Available for you to learn Tarot at your pace. ~ Learn from the comfort of your home. ~ Watch and re-watch at your leisure. ~ Watch this 1min Tarot Video Sampler ~ For more info, please visit Tarot Online Shop to purchase now!
~ Totally made in Australia! ~ Over 460 pages and in full colour! ~ Fabulous Questions and Answers section! ~ Gold Keys highlights for each card. ~ Fabulous reference Manual. ~ Covering Astrology, Numerology, Psychology & Mythology. ~ Exploring Colours the Four Elements, plus more! ~ Easily explained and suggested homework to do. ~ Visit my Tarot Book Page for a running history and where sold. ~ Visit my Online Shop to order your copy today!
Monday evening, 11 November 2025, 7pm - 9pm (Zoom Class) Wednesday morning, 5 February 2025, 10am - 12noon (Zoom Class) Thursday afternoon, Date TBA 2024, 1pm - 3pm (In Shop Class)
For more detailed information visit my Tarot Classes Webpage.
Wednesday evening, 21 May 2025, 7pm - 9pm
For more information visit my Tarot Advanced Classes Webpage.
Reiki I - Sunday 10 November 2024, 10am - 3pm Reiki II - Sunday Date TBA 2024, 10am - 3pm Reiki Master - Sunday Date TBA 2024, 10am - 3pm
Only 5 hour sessions for all Reiki I, Reiki II and Reiki Master classes. For more detailed information visit my Reiki Classes Webpage.
Monday afternoon, Date TBA 2025, 1pm - 3pm Thursday morning, Date TBA 2025, 10am - 12noon Thursday evening, 13 February 2025, 7pm - 9pm
For more detailed information visit my Astrology Classes Webpage.
Saturday, Saturday 23 November 2024, 10am - 3pm
For more information visit my Numerology Classes Webpage. TAROT PRACTICE READING DAY
Saturday afternoon, Dates TBA 2024, 1pm - 3pm For more information visit my Tarot Further Studies Webpage.
Wednesday evening, Date TBA 2025, 7pm - 9pm
For more detailed information visit my SSS Classes Webpage.
This is more a one-to one session, contact me to discuss further.
For more information visit my Tarot Shadow Counseling Webpage.
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I always carry a fine selection of essential oils in my shop for sale to those that need them. Also happy to a run a doTerra workshop for you and your friends.
Workshops are a great opportunity to get together, to experience and learn something new about doTerra. How to use essential oils in your everyday life, ask questions and share this new alternative knowledge with others.
Venue: Tarot in Action shop, 165 Pascoe Vale Rd, Moonee Ponds Date: Tuesday evening, Date TBA 2024 Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm Facebook Group: My Essential Oils
In March and August every year I am honoured to present Tarot, Advanced Tarot, Numerology and Astrology Masterclasses to Singapore.
They are full-on interactive masterclasses, run over a few days. All your notes and handouts are printed out for you, presented in a folder along with your Tarot cards and highlighters.
Thank you to the Way Feng Shui Group for having the insight to bring the East and West metaphysical worlds together and allowing me to be part of this fun!
Tarot Beginners Masterclass - Saturday 22 & Sunday 23 February 2025 Numerology Masterclass - Saturday 1 March 2025 Advanced Tarot Masterclass - Dates TBA 2025 Astrology Masterclass - Dates TBA 2025
To get on the Way OnNet Group mailing list for all future Masterclasses: Please contact Priscilla: +65 9836 3800 or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Website: Way Feng Shui, Singapore
Australia’s largest health, well-being and natural therapies event. Register online to receive your free ticket. Learn and explore from over 200 exhibitors, attend free inspirational seminars, book yourself a psychic reading, try some body pampering, watch the free stage performances, join a free meditation session and taste some delicious health foods!
Venue: Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre Date 4 days: Dates TBA June 2025 Time: 10am - 7pm daily
Venue: Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre Date 3 days: 15 - 17 November 2024 Time: 10am - 7pm daily
More information: Mind Body Spirit Festival
Another annual LunaBears picnic was held. we have been gathering since 2007.
Thank you to Mastersons Bar for looking after us. Heartfelt thank you to all that attended and to everyone that contributed. 16 people in total contributed this year, it means a lot to our furry friends!
We raised $780 in October 2024
For 2025, the LunaBears annual picnic will gather again at Mastersons Bar.
The funds raised go directly to the Bear Sanctuary in Luang Prabang, Laos, through the Free The Bears org with the resolve to end Bear bile farming forever!
Venue: Mastersons Bar, 167 Pascoe Vale Rd, Moonee Ponds Date: Saturday 25 October 2025 Time: 3pm - 5pm. (Group photo taken at 4pm)
Donation: $30 per person (or donate as much as you wish!) What to bring: Bring a plate to share Information: Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Facebook Group: LunaBears Lads and Ladys
This not-for-profit volunteer environmental organisation has been going for 30 years! It's the biggest world game I know to play and I would love your support! The GENI initiative is about every continent linking up on an energy grid using renewable energy sources and sharing this sustainable energy with our neighbours across all time zones.
"When the world is linked up on a physical electrical grid, it is proof that we are metaphysically connected." - Bucky Fuller
- Join us in making a difference to humanity with no harm to the environment!
- Become a Patron and Pledge as little as $3 per month and lets put Solar Panels on Pensioners roofs!
- Support our Annual Fundraiser - Comedy Gala at The Rubber Chicken on Thursday 1 June. 7pm. Book through our website for special price $22 tickets.
Information: Ruanna 0418 388 712 Email on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Please like our Facebook Page: GENI Foundation
Learn practical skills and basic self defence techniques in a fun and supportive environment.
Taekwondo is for Everyone!
Our workshops provide participants with the basic skills that you will practice in a class environment. We will also teach you about our training systems and transitioning you from beginner to an empowered black belt.
- All courses are female only
- Participants can complete the 4 week beginners course
- Join regular on-going classes
- We offer short courses
- Group workshops - Personal and Corporate classes
- Private lessons
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