Revelations #211 ~ December 2024 ~
Merry Xmas to you all!
I like my Xmas tree photo every year. Can you believe its Xmas time, again!
A huge heart felt thank you to each and every one of you, client, student and colleague for another fabulous full-on packed year.
It is amazing how much we accomplish every year and its important to celebrate these wins so we ground what the feeling of success feels like.
It's International Volunteer Day on 5 December every year and I would like to thank all my friends from the GENI Foundation for all the love and support. We are all volunteers and together we create events and raise funds to install solar panels on pensioners rooftops.
Last but not least - Thank you to everyone that has already listed their business on the Healers and Psychics Directory. Its a powerful SEO site designed to get your business out there. It's a great marketing incentive to get you to the top of the Google search and I welcome your feedback as well. If you haven't registered yet, what are you waiting for? More information below...
Heaps of Specialness, Ruanna
December Forecast
We are in Sagittarius season. Sagittarius season runs from 22 November to 21 December. It is a fire element, a mutable modality and ruled by the planet Jupiter.
The energy of Sagittarius is delightful and dynamic. Sagittarius embodies a boundless enthusiasm for adventure, knowledge, and expansion. That fiery energy is action oriented, inspires them to explore the world, embrace new experiences, and pursue wisdom with an optimistic and daring spirit.
On the higher levels Sagittarius is on the quest for truth and freedom, this aligns with their philosophical nature and thirst for meaning. They seek to understand life's bigger picture and to live authentically, unbound by limitations. Their dynamic energy often inspires others to step out of their comfort zones and embrace life's endless possibilities. Truly a sign that encourages growth and exploration!
New Moon in Sagittarius
On 1 December, we have New Moon in Sagittarius, in fact we have two New Moons for December. Along with this New Moon in Sagittarius we have Mercury opposite Jupiter, and Jupiter rules Sagittarius, we also have Mars opposite Pluto.
The themes here are about expansion and empowerment. This New Moon in Sagittarius, already brimming with the energy of growth and exploration, becomes even more dynamic with these other aspects.
Mercury governs communication, thoughts, and learning, while Jupiter amplifies everything it touches. Together, this aspect encourages big ideas, visionary thinking, and philosophical exploration. It’s about stretching mental horizons and embracing new perspectives.
Mars, the planet of action and drive, opposing Pluto, the planet of transformation and power, stirs intense energy. This aspect can feel like a call to confront inner or external power dynamics and emerge stronger.
Mars Enters Leo
On 6 December, Mars enters the sign of Leo. I have been sharing this Mars transit for the past few months from Cancer and now into Leo.
Mars is a dynamic force of empowerment and transformation. Its energy over the past six months has likely been a profound catalyst for many, offering the drive to reassess goals and align actions with intentions, so we move forward with confidence and commitment.
Mars pushes us to step into new versions of ourselves, shedding old habits and thought patterns that no longer align with our ambitions. It inspires us to embrace change with courage and vigor. Mars helps us confront our inner doubts and insecurities, asking us to step into our personal power and believe in our ability to succeed.
Venus Conjuncts Pluto
On 7 December we have Venus conjunct Pluto in Aquarius. This is an incredibly potent aspect that stirs deep emotions, transformative relationships, and radical shifts in values. The Aquarian energy adds an innovative and future-oriented flair to this already intense pairing.
Venus is the social energy and Pluto is all about empowerment and Aquarius is talking about humanity and connection between humanity. All coming together to create a fascinating and transformative interplay of energies that emphasize the collective, empowerment, and deep connections.
This combination is truly inspiring, offering a chance to transform how we see and interact with each other.
Neptune Ends Retrograde cycle
Also on 7 December, Neptune in the late 27 degrees of Pisces is ending its retrograde phase. Neptune will then move into its next phase, where it moves between Aries and then back into Pisces until it moves forward into Aries for a long while and which is an important phase of change, an end of an era and the beginning of a new one.
Neptune is the modern ruler of Pisces, and its journey through this sign has been deeply aligned with themes of spirituality, dreams, and collective consciousness. At the 27°-29° range, Neptune is tying up loose ends, helping us reflect on what we've learned during its transit here (since 2011).
Retrograde Neptune often pulls back the veil, revealing truths and dissolving illusions. As it stations direct, there's an opportunity to integrate the insights gained during the retrograde phase and move forward with greater clarity.
Mercury Ends Retrograde
On 15 December, we have Mercury going Direct in Sagittarius. Mercury will remain in Sagittarius for the rest of December and into early January.
Mercury in Sagittarius is a vibrant and thought-provoking combination that invites us to explore ideas with enthusiasm and open-mindedness.
Mercury rules communication, intellect, and thought processes. In Sagittarius, the sign of growth and expansion, Mercury encourages us to question what we perceive as truth and to seek deeper, more universal understanding.
Sagittarius loves to explore the grander narrative, so this transit is less about details and more about overarching ideas, philosophies, and belief systems. Conversations during this time can feel adventurous, filled with curiosity and a desire to exchange ideas that inspire growth.
Full Moon in Gemini
On 15 December, we have a Full Moon in Gemini. We also have Sun in Sagittarius opposite the Full Moon in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces. These combinations of planets are making a very interesting and delightful statement when you merge them all together. What we have here is the manifesting Moon.
What a beautiful synthesis of celestial energies! The interplay of these placements—Moon in Gemini which wants the anytical facts and information, Sun in Sagittarius which is on the quest for truth, and Neptune in Pisces which wants to feel and merge with the divine—creates a powerful opportunity to harmonize mind, body, and spirit connections.
Our beliefs act as a foundation for the reality we experience. Each thought, emotion, and word sends ripples of creative energy into the universe, shaping circumstances and attracting corresponding experiences. Whatever we focus on—positive or negative—becomes amplified. By aligning our thoughts with what we truly desire, we direct that energy toward creating a fulfilling reality.
When we become mindful of our thoughts and emotions, we align ourselves with the creative flow of the universe. What we believe, we ultimately become. This is both a powerful responsibility and a beautiful opportunity.
To add further energy to this manifesting Full Moon, is Mars the planet of action mid way between Pluto and Venus. Think and speak with confidence, let this motivational energy from Mars move you forward couraeously to accomplish your tasks.
Capricorn Solstice
On 21 December, The Sun hits 0 degrees of Capricorn and we enter a new season. In the Southern Hemisphere we move into the Summer Solstice, we have the longest brightest day of the year, then the days will begin to shorten approx one minute each day until we reach the Winter Solstice in June.
In the Northern Hemisphere its going to be the Winter Solstice when its their shortest daylight hours.This is a point of darkness a time of hiberation.
The bottomline when we have a Solstice, it heralds in a new season for all of us. Be aware of the shift, do you feel it? Be aware of that instinctual energy change that takes place.
New Moon in Capricorn
On 30 December, we have our second New Moon in Capricorn. Capricorn’s energy offers a grounding and strategic perspective.
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet of structure, discipline, and responsibility. This sign brings a practical, down-to-earth energy that encourages focus on tangible goals.
The New Moon in Capricorn brings a potent energy of new beginnings, focus, and manifestation in the realm of long-term goals, responsibility, and ambition. This New Moon is an ideal time to set intentions for practical achievements and solidify plans for your future.
Capricorn is the sign of ambition and structure. A New Moon here encourages us to set concrete, achievable goals. It’s not about wishful thinking—it’s about creating a roadmap for success.
What perfect timing this Full Moon in Capicorn is, right on New Years Eve, fabulous time to plan your new years resolutions!
What a wonderful powerful month and year ahead, happy breakthroughs!
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Calendar of Events for this Month!
United Nations International Year of: The Camelids for 2024
United Nations Decade of: Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021 to 2030
United Nations Charter Established 26 June 1945
1 Hanukah (Jewish). 1 New Moon in Sagittarius. An adventurous mood. 2 World Aids Day. 2 - 5 The 4th International Electronic Conference on Agronomy (IECAG) 2024. IECAG invites researchers from academia, as well as agronomy practitioners, to contribute original findings, novel ideas, scientific concepts, new technologies, and experiences to address diversity in various fields. 2 - 8 Coastcare Week. Working together to care for our marine and coastal environments. Thousands of volunteers are working hard on dune protection, native coastal revegetation, safeguarding endangered species habitats, managing access to sensitive areas. 3 International day of People with Disability. 3 World Coati Day. 4 World Wildlife Conservative Day. 4 International Cheetah Day. 5 World Soil Day. 5 International Volunteer Day. Organized by the UN, when individuals and groups work together on projects and campaigns dealing with economic and social development. 10 Human Rights Day. 10 International Animals Rights Day. 11 International Mountain Day. Create awareness about the importance of mountains to life. 14 International Monkey Day. 15 Full Moon in Gemini. An inquisitive mood. 21 Summer Solstice. Longest day of the year for the Southern Hemisphere, therefore shortest day of the year for the Northern Hemisphere. 21 Litha (Pagan Wicca). A time to spend outdoors, celebrating with others the renewal and regenerative energy of the sun. 24 Christmas Eve. Time to hang up the stockings! 25 Christmas Day. Merry Christmas to you and yours! 26 Boxing Day. Day of rest, after eating all that food! 31 New Moon in Capricorn. A grounded and practical mood. 31 New Years Eve. Happy New Year everyone! May 2024 be your best year ever!
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Every month, I turn over 2 cards, one from the top of the deck to represent the Conscious energy and the other from the bottom of the deck to represent the Unconscious energy. I am always thinking of the big picture and exploring for the collective.
These two Tarot cards are also loaded on my Tarot Mastery private Facebook group for students of Tarot in Action to explore the meanings and share their insights with others.
~ I asked the Tarot cards what is the energy for the whole month of December 2024? ~ What do we need to be mindful of, so we can make the most out of it? The The Lovers is in the Conscious position, and The Magician is in the Unconscious position.
Lovely to see two powerful major arcana cards show up. Love the yellow background, arch-angel Raphael, heaps of colour and greenery suggesting a lot of growth and potential for this month of December.
The key to this card is: As above so below, as within so without.
The Lovers
This card shows a man and woman on the card. Straight away I am thinking of Xmas time with friends and family coming together to celebrate.
I love how the man looks to the woman and the woman looks up to the angel. This symbolises how the masculine/egoic side passes the ideas and actions through the feminine/ intuitive side. The feminine side looks up to the Angel which represents the superconcious or the higher ideal.
There are many discussions between the couples or families to create a fabulous Xmas experience for everyone. There is plenty of planning and organising and food to prepare.
The Magician
This card makes me think of all the preparation we are going through in the mind for the new 2025 year ahead. Like the new years resolutions we want to manifest. Time to out into action all the ideas and visualisations we have been thinking about.
Love how the magician puts to the source with his magic wand, suggesting your mind is your magic wand, because what you think you become!
Then he points to the green garden below, suggesting your subconscious mind is very fertile ground, whatever seed or idea you plant, you can make grow.
3. Classes, Workshops, Programs & Products
~ Discover the Keys in each Tarot card? ~ Acquire a new skill and earn an extra income? ~ 22 fully comprehensive Video classes. ~ Available for you to learn Tarot at your pace. ~ Learn from the comfort of your home. ~ Watch and re-watch at your leisure. ~ Watch this 1min Tarot Video Sampler ~ For more info, please visit Tarot Online Shop to purchase now!
~ Totally made in Australia! ~ Over 460 pages and in full colour! ~ Fabulous Questions and Answers section! ~ Gold Keys highlights for each card. ~ Fabulous reference Manual. ~ Covering Astrology, Numerology, Psychology & Mythology. ~ Exploring Colours the Four Elements, plus more! ~ Easily explained and suggested homework to do. ~ Visit my Tarot Book Page for a running history and where sold. ~ Visit my Online Shop to order your copy today!
Monday evening, Date TBA 2025, 7pm - 9pm (Zoom Class) Wednesday morning, 5 February 2025, 10am - 12noon (Zoom Class) Thursday afternoon, 13 March 2025, 1pm - 3pm (In Shop Class)
For more detailed information visit my Tarot Classes Webpage.
Wednesday evening, 21 May 2025, 7pm - 9pm
For more information visit my Tarot Advanced Classes Webpage.
Reiki I - Sunday 16 February, 10am - 3pm Reiki II - Sunday Date TBA 2024, 10am - 3pm Reiki Master - Sunday Date TBA 2024, 10am - 3pm
Only 5 hour sessions for all Reiki I, Reiki II and Reiki Master classes. For more detailed information visit my Reiki Classes Webpage.
Monday afternoon, Date TBA 2025, 1pm - 3pm Thursday morning, Date TBA 2025, 10am - 12noon Thursday evening, 13 February 2025, 7pm - 9pm
For more detailed information visit my Astrology Classes Webpage.
Saturday, Saturday 8 February 2025, 10am - 3pm
For more information visit my Numerology Classes Webpage. TAROT PRACTICE READING DAY
Saturday afternoon, Dates TBA 2024, 1pm - 3pm For more information visit my Tarot Further Studies Webpage.
Wednesday evening, Date TBA 2025, 7pm - 9pm
For more detailed information visit my SSS Classes Webpage.
This is more a one-to one session, contact me to discuss further.
For more information visit my Tarot Shadow Counseling Webpage.
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We have created a powerful and trusted Search Energy Optimised (SE0) website to market your business. In business, its all about the marketing, marketing and more marketing.
We are all healers, whether you are a hairdresser making someone feel beautiful, a masseur, through to an owner of a detox healing centre. All are welcome to join - there is a category waiting for you - add your listing today!
What this directory can offer your business: ~ We will showcase a member every month. ~ There are 3 very low priced packages available. Basic, Silver and Gold levels. Paid annually. ~ Eventually all the articles on the Home page will be written by members. ~ Help you move up on those Google searches. ~ You also have our support to assist you with marketing. ~ The listing will help you get clearer Vision for your business. ~ Use the listing as a website!
Website: Healers & Psychics Directory Facebook Group: HealersandPsychics
I always carry a fine selection of essential oils in my shop for sale to those that need them. Also happy to a run a doTerra workshop for you and your friends.
Workshops are a great opportunity to get together, to experience and learn something new about doTerra. How to use essential oils in your everyday life, ask questions and share this new alternative knowledge with others.
Venue: Tarot in Action shop, 165 Pascoe Vale Rd, Moonee Ponds Date: Tuesday evening, Date TBA 2024 Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm Facebook Group: My Essential Oils
In March and August every year I am honoured to present Tarot, Advanced Tarot, Numerology and Astrology Masterclasses to Singapore.
They are full-on interactive masterclasses, run over a few days. All your notes and handouts are printed out for you, presented in a folder along with your Tarot cards and highlighters.
Thank you to the Way Feng Shui Group for having the insight to bring the East and West metaphysical worlds together and allowing me to be part of this fun!
Tarot Beginners Masterclass - Saturday 22 & Sunday 23 February 2025 Numerology Masterclass - Saturday 1 March 2025 Advanced Tarot Masterclass - Dates TBA 2025 Astrology Masterclass - Dates TBA 2025
To get on the Way OnNet Group mailing list for all future Masterclasses: Please contact Priscilla: +65 9836 3800 or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Website: Way Feng Shui, Singapore
Australia’s largest health, well-being and natural therapies event. Register online to receive your free ticket. Learn and explore from over 200 exhibitors, attend free inspirational seminars, book yourself a psychic reading, try some body pampering, watch the free stage performances, join a free meditation session and taste some delicious health foods!
Venue: Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre Date 4 days: Dates TBA June 2025 Time: 10am - 7pm daily
Venue: Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre Date 3 days: Date TBA November 2025 Time: 10am - 7pm daily
More information: Mind Body Spirit Festival
Another annual LunaBears picnic was held. we have been gathering since 2007.
Thank you to Mastersons Bar for looking after us. Heartfelt thank you to all that attended and to everyone that contributed. 16 people in total contributed this year, it means a lot to our furry friends!
We raised $780 in October 2024
For 2025, the LunaBears annual picnic will gather again at Mastersons Bar.
The funds raised go directly to the Bear Sanctuary in Luang Prabang, Laos, through the Free The Bears org with the resolve to end Bear bile farming forever!
Venue: Mastersons Bar, 167 Pascoe Vale Rd, Moonee Ponds Date: Saturday 25 October 2025 Time: 3pm - 5pm. (Group photo taken at 4pm)
Donation: $30 per person (or donate as much as you wish!) What to bring: Bring a plate to share Information: Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Facebook Group: LunaBears Lads and Ladys
This not-for-profit volunteer environmental organisation has been going for 30 years! It's the biggest world game I know to play and I would love your support! The GENI initiative is about every continent linking up on an energy grid using renewable energy sources and sharing this sustainable energy with our neighbours across all time zones.
"When the world is linked up on a physical electrical grid, it is proof that we are metaphysically connected." - Bucky Fuller
- Join us in making a difference to humanity with no harm to the environment!
- Become a Patron and Pledge as little as $3 per month and lets put Solar Panels on Pensioners roofs!
- Support our Annual Fundraiser - Comedy Gala at The Rubber Chicken on Thursday 1 June. 7pm. Book through our website for special price $22 tickets.
Information: Ruanna 0418 388 712 Email on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Please like our Facebook Page: GENI Foundation
Learn practical skills and basic self defence techniques in a fun and supportive environment.
Taekwondo is for Everyone!
Our workshops provide participants with the basic skills that you will practice in a class environment. We will also teach you about our training systems and transitioning you from beginner to an empowered black belt.
- All courses are female only
- Participants can complete the 4 week beginners course
- Join regular on-going classes
- We offer short courses
- Group workshops - Personal and Corporate classes
- Private lessons
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